Howard's End
Just when Howard Dean appeared to begin to recover in the polls from his primal scream fiasco, as noted by The American Thinker's Richard Baehr, he sabotaged his own effort. The latest gaffe will drive the last nail in his political coffin. There is no longer time for recovery. Dean's rise in the estimation of New Hampshire primary voters is over. He is playing out a script which doesn't end well. The title should either be Howard's End or Death Wish.
Speaking Sunday in
"You can say that it's great that Saddam is gone and I'm sure that a lot of Iraqis feel it is great that Saddam is gone. But a lot of them gave their lives. And their living standard is a whole lot worse now than it was before."
Dean is apparently unable to stop picking at the scab of his obsession with the evil he feels George Bush wrought by fighting the war with Saddam. This compulsion leads him to deny obvious truths, such as that the capture of Saddam Hussein has made
On a factual basis, his claim is ridiculous. While there were some civilian casualties in the American bombing, these must be balanced against the end of Saddam's domestic killing machine, which murdered hundred of thousands of Iraqis. The killing fields of
As for the Iraqi standard of living, it is obviously improving rapidly. The number of cars on the roads of
On what basis, then, does Dean make his claims? More likely than not, he reads, and believes, the editorialists of the New York Times, and gains a vague impression of dire straits for Iraqis from the ABCNBCCBS newscasts, the only ones available on his non—cable—equipped home television, which have no doubt remained his sources of choice when on the road. Thus, his obsession with
In other words, Howard Dean is a victim of media bias.
Posted by Thomas 01 25 04