Hispanic Boycott Day in Calif.
Posted by Thomas 12 12 03
The AP is reporting that 'hundreds' of Hispanics have taken to the streets in Los Angeles, to protest the repeal of California's law granting driver's licenses to illegal aliens, with no security check necessary. Governor Arnold keeping his promise to the voters is an outrage to them.
Four hundred's a fairly pathetic turnout, for what is supposed to be a huge mass boycott day. Today was the day in which Hispanics were going to punish the rest of us, by refusing to work, attend school, and, most importantly, spend money in the stores. They intended to show us how dependent we are on them.
My own survey of life in Berkeley shows little to no impact. Okay, there was no noise from leaf blowers in my neighborhood today, but it has been raining a lot, and the leaves are all sticking together in a nasty mass, anyways. Down in Berkeley's famed Gourmet Ghetto, the French Hotel closed its espresso bar in solidarity (according to a hand lettered sign in the window), leaving only 3 other places on the block where one could buy a double decaf latte. The horror! Somehow I managed to soldier on and brave the normal crowds at the other stores.