Ethically irresponsible


Practioners of what is labeled social justice and its sibling, social responsibility, claim the high moral ground on a wide range of economic, political and yes, social issues.  Their premise generally consists of  claiming the U.S. is usually wrong, but the government should solve all ills with pervasive regulation and redistribution of wealth.  Self defense and war are evil, the rich are selfish but the working class is good.
This attitude has even spread to the area of the stock market, giving birth to a contradictory hybrid called socially responsible investing.  The mission of stock market funds is to maximize profits but the so called socially responsible funds will not invest in tobacco, liquor, or gambling companies which usually generate higher than average profits.  And they certainly wouldn't invest in any defense related firm even though their weaponry plus research and innovation have guaranteed freedom around the world.  That's called social responsibility.
However apparently market timing, which is illegal, is just fine for one of these firms whose slogan is offering investors an opportunity "to do good while doing well." 
Too bad  these investors don't realize they could do a lot more good spreading justice by supporting companies which provide jobs and produce goods and services people want. Now that's real socia justice.
Ethel C. Fenig   1 21 05

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