Business Week climbs aboard American Thinker bandwagon


Business Week magazine is featuring a story which The American Thinker first brought to your attention more than a month ago. In a previous TAT exclusive, we outlined the steps that the Saudi rulers are taking to help ensure the electoral defeat of their nemesis, President Bush. This family —— the House of Saud —— has made a corrupt deal with the religious establishment in that country. In return for financial support from this family of kleptocrats, the religious authorities are allowed free rein  to oppress women,  to forbid the practices of other religions, to brainwash millions around the world through Saudi—funded madrassas to hate Jews, Christians, and Americans, and to export terror away from Saudi Arabia.


President Bush by his efforts to liberate Iraq and bring democracy to the Arab world, directly threatens tyrannies like the House of Saud. Therefore the family has taken steps that endanger Bush's reelection. Among the steps we outlined was the manipulation of oil prices upward to weaken America and increase voter dissatisfaction with George Bush. This will, in their view, lead to the election of John Kerry—someone they feel they can control.


This Business Week article agrees with our thesis that there is a rigging of oil prices by the Saudis to hurt America and to defeat George Bush. Our article contained far more detail, but we welcome Business Week's climbing aboard the bandwagon and support of our thesis We only wish that they had acknowledged our earlier work on the subject.


Posted by Ed  04 16 04

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