Auf wiedersehen, welfare state


German futurologists are reporting that the demise of the welfare state is already well—understood by the younger generations of Deutschland, who

are increasingly fending for themselves and realizing the need to perform and excel instead of depending on dwindling state hand—outs and perks.

This would be a very positive development, a virtual reversal of course for Euro—socialism. Of course, it is not a voluntary transition. As the Deutsche Welle article comments, 

On the flip side, Germans will become increasingly plagued by worries of an insecure future in the face of rising unemployment and shrinking social benefits.

So, the Germans are leaving the womb—like comfort and confinement of the welfare state for the more bracing and worrisome existence of their Yankee cousins. Could this lead to further changes in political sensibilities? Will a more competitive society make the Germans more realistic about the need to defend the West? At this point any answer would be highly speculative.

But the study leader Horst Opaschowsky paints a picture that certainly looks like attitudes more akin to American conservative values than old—fashioned European (and Democrat) reliance on the state:

According to the researchers the sobering realization is spurring Germans to focus more on better performance and qualifications as well as fundamentally changing their perception of the state as the highest authority.
"Networks and citizens' initiatives are gaining new significance. The people want to achieve more things on their own and lead a more active life," according to the study. "Help yourself before the state does, " is Opaschowski's verdict

Posted by Thomas  06 13 04


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