Arafat apathy
Society molds cultures just as cultures mold society. There is always a two—way process which occurs between these two organizing principles of a people. The Israeli Arabs have grown up in a democratic culture with a free press, honest bureaucracies, a legal system which by the standards of Arafatistan and much of the Arab world is a model of probity.
Now comes a report of their apathy regarding Arafat's death that contrasts sharply with the unrestrained pandemonium which was a feature of Arafat's burial in Ramallah. As some commentators have noted, the barely restrained riot that marked Arafat's burial was not a good sign that a stable society was coming anytime soon to that area. However, in Israel itself Israeli Arabs knew, by virtue of the society they grew up in, that Arafat was a corrupt terrorist who deserved not honor, but disgrace. Hence, their almost complete apathy regarding his death. This is a testament to the good things that come by integration in a Western society. The Israeli Arabs have some things they can teach their fellow Arabs around the region.
American Muslims, too, are well—adjusted and productive members of America because we live in a capitalistic society that is noticeably free of prejudice towards Muslims. Contrast this state of affairs with a Europe that has shunted Muslims aside, often in giant housing projects, which has just lead to resentment and extremism along with rejection of Western society.
Ed Lasky 11 13 04