Z.T. Arnold

Z.T. Arnold

  • February 25, 2015

    CNN's Kohn admits gay 'nature vs. nurture' narrative not settled

    CNN writer Sally Kohn recently penned a piece that articulated her desire for her young daughter to grow up and be a lesbian,. On the up side, I respect that Sally Kohn is at least honest. She self-identifies as gay. She wants to see that perpetua...

  • October 23, 2014

    Gay Marriage and Religious Freedom

    All churches are open to the public. Sure, they lock their doors at times; I’ve yet to run into a place that doesn’t do that, but the idea of church of any denomination is that anyone is welcome to come in and pray. That applies to Christ...

  • September 21, 2014

    Heisman Trophy-winner, vulgarity, and the 'war on women'

    For those who follow college football, particularly fans of the Florida State Seminoles, this last week has been one to cause much shaking of heads. The crime and the punishment are enough to make even the most diehard ‘Noles fans just throw th...

  • September 11, 2014

    Scottish Secession and What It Means for America

    As Scotland’s referendum on independence approaches, two things are becoming increasingly obvious. Firstly, there will be considerable turnout for the vote and as a result anything is possible. Independence is as likely as maintaining the union...

  • April 23, 2014

    The Obama Race Card keeps being played

    Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. recently wrote a piece with the implication that racism has played a significant role in the criticism of President Obama and, to a lesser extent, Attorney General Eric Holder. His questi...

  • February 23, 2014

    Gay Marriage and the Next Round of Civil Disobedience

    The western world in general and the United States in particular both have long histories of civil disobedience. From Sophocles' character Antigone to Henry David Thoreau to Martin Luther King Jr., the consistent theme of civil disobedience has been ...