Yomin Postelnik

Yomin Postelnik

  • January 18, 2009

    The Bush Legacy

    It is a great disservice to any person to sum up the totality of one's career in a few short words, using mere sound bites as a pretext to label it either a tremendous success or an abject failure.  This is especially true of our presidents....

  • December 26, 2008

    Easy Pickings Arrive at the International Table

    On Nov.5, the day after the election of Barack Obama, in an article titled "Obama win met with urgent call for global action," Reuters reported:"Political leaders urged U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday to help forge a new...

  • November 18, 2008

    Bush Haters Are Fools, Don't Emulate Them

    As things are shaping up, it is evident that we as conservatives must actively oppose much of the agenda of the transitioning administration.  Conservatives had no doubt that this would be the case and are ready as always with common sense solut...