Yale M.  Zussman

Yale M. Zussman

  • August 14, 2020

    No Need for a Conspiracy Theory

    In recent days, social media like Twitter and Facebook have taken action to prevent Q-Anon, a shadowy entity that promotes various conspiracy theories, including the "Deep State," from using their platforms.  For those who haven...

  • August 26, 2019

    Likely to become a public charge

    In recent weeks, "likely to become a public charge" has made an appearance in the debates about immigration.  To judge by how the phrase has been received, one might think this was something new, but this is most definitely n...

  • July 17, 2019

    Magical thinking is what's wrecking our country

    When asked to identify the single greatest strategic threat to America, participants in the recent Democratic debate offered China, Russia, Iran, climate change, even Donald Trump, but they were all wrong.  The greatest threat to America...

  • June 17, 2019

    'Russian Collusion': Time to stop

    There are several aspects of the ongoing Democratic addiction to the Trump-Russia collusion fixation that must be understood: Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the Russians have interfered with elections in democratic countries for d...