Yaacov ben Moshe

Yaacov ben Moshe

  • December 14, 2020

    The Fight Will Continue

    The presidential election of 2020 has revealed America’s present state of social and spiritual chaos. It has also cast light on the paths we might choose going into the future. While we wait for the Georgia senatorial runoff that will begin tha...

  • November 6, 2020

    When liars figure...

    The computer model is not God.  After I got my M.S. in statistical analysis and research methodology, I was involved with all manner of "modeling" for a number of years.  I can tell you: computer models are nothing more ...

  • November 2, 2020

    Disposable Joe

    Joe Biden's candidacy is built on his three outstanding "abilities": electability, plausible deniability, and (after he is elected) disposability. Electability Electability was what got him the nomination.  The Democrats...

  • September 6, 2020

    Apocalypse kabuki

    Let’s look beyond the hubris and hypocrisy for a moment. Nancy Pelosi has made her attempt to put the SalonGate behind her. She says it was a setup, “…and that’s all I’m going to say about that.” So while...

  • March 12, 2020

    Plagues, politics, and perspective

    The coronavirus panic is in full cry at the moment.  There are grave concerns about what may happen, and nobody truly knows.  There is one thing I can tell you for an absolute certainty, though: the situation is a perfect reflecti...

  • March 1, 2020

    Kulak is the Russian Word for 'Deplorable'

    In 1929 in an edict that seemed both impossibly savage and self-destructive, Stalin announced the "liquidation of the kulaks as a class.” The people he called kulaks were the relatively wealthy peasants in the countryside. For much of ...