William Ward

William Ward

  • November 3, 2012

    Economic Ignorance Further Hampers Hurricane Sandy Victims

    The miles-long lines at beleaguered service stations in the aftermath of Sandy is a testament to an elementary economic reality; sharply higher prices are mandatory in a disaster. During such a radical supply/demand altering event, sharply higher pri...

  • March 30, 2012

    The Unseen Message of The Hunger Games

    Though the liberal media and leftist Hollywood are wrapping themselves in The Hunger Games, the book series' pro-individualism, anti-socialist/communist/totalitarianism message has thus far eluded them -- but the legions of children reading the books...

  • August 30, 2009

    The political battleground shifts

    A decisive shift in the political battleground has taken place, and few analysts have noticed. Sun Tzu, the Chinese warlord who assembled the psychological philosophy widely known today as The Art of War, knew what he was talking about, and would hav...