William Tate

William Tate

  • March 15, 2016

    Hillary doesn't understand Obamacare

    Even “the smartest woman in the world” doesn’t understand the (Un-)Affordable Care Act. During Sunday’s Democrat town hall, CNN somehow allowed an audience member to bring up her skyrocketing health insurance costs under Ob...

  • March 11, 2016

    Obama reflects on his foreign policy...successes?

    Somewhere in Hawaii, a village truly is missing its idiot. In a new article in The Atlantic, Barack Obama reflects on his foreign policy, which he seems to consider quite successful.  Perhaps most notably, Obama says he's "very proud...

  • March 10, 2016

    Obama's Syrian policy goes down the rabbit hole

    How messed up (keeping it clean here) is Obama/Clinton foreign policy?  In Syria, the U.S. has been fighting a proxy war with…itself.  And we’re not talking metaphorically.  We’re talking a real shooting war, at leas...

  • March 2, 2016

    Even NPR agrees that Obamacare has failed

    A thorough repudiation of the (un-)Affordable Care Act comes from, of all places, state-run National Public Radio.  Timed to be buried by Super Tuesday coverage, NPR this week released a new study that indicates that Obamacare has failed on almo...

  • March 1, 2016

    Friends Don’t let Friends Vote Trump

    Should he win the Republican nomination, the Clinton machine will pile so much dirt on Donald Trump that it will take an archeologist to find him. Even if there is absolutely nothing dirty in Trump’s past, the Clintons will manipulate the Democ...

  • February 13, 2016

    Obama's Foreign Policy Rebuked – by His Own Intel Chiefs

    Barack Obama's foreign policy – and by extension Hillary Clinton's – received a stinging rebuke this week...from Obama's own intelligence chiefs.  Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Lieutenant General Vin...

  • February 11, 2016

    Clinton backtracks on ‘No individual too big to jail’

    Hillary Clinton didn’t even wait for the ballots to be tallied before she began betraying those few people who voted for her in New Hampshire. In the run-up to the New Hampshire primary Clinton declared that “No bank is too big to fail...

  • February 6, 2016

    Finally, (some) Dems learn vote fraud is a problem

    Is it just me, or is it ironic to see that Democrats – some, at least – have suddenly found religion regarding voter fraud...now that it affects them, of course? For years, Democrats have contended that vote fraud is not a problem, blo...

  • February 5, 2016

    CNN owes Ted Cruz an apology

    CNN's broadside of Ted Cruz is wrong.  The network has denied that it bears any responsibility for Cruz's camp spreading rumors that Ben Carson might be quitting the presidential race.  CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin even went so far as ...

  • January 29, 2016

    Donald Trump as a re-imagined Howard Beale

    "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!" Few words seem to capture the essence of Donald Trump's presidential campaign better than those of crazed TV anchorman Howard Beale in the 1976 satirical film, "N...

  • January 9, 2016

    Gallup CEO: Belief that current government is corrupt fuels Trump popularity

    Widespread belief that the current federal government is corrupt has fueled Donald Trump's surprising resilience in the polls, suggests the head of the Gallup polling organization.  "A staggering 75% of the American public believe ...

  • December 31, 2015

    The ObamaCare Wolf, Scratching at Your Door

    "It's awful," the stressed-sounding voice on the phone declared. "It's just awful." The voice belonged to my primary care doctor's office manager. She had just told me that my doc would not accept my health insuranc...

  • March 21, 2015

    Federal judge: 'Can I trust what Obama says?'

    It's a question knowledgeable Americans have been asking for six years now.  But what makes the above quote remarkable is that it came from a federal judge during an on-the-record court hearing. U.S. district judge Andrew Hanen is hearing...

  • March 18, 2015

    Former fed information-disclosure guru: Hillary's e-mail scheme 'unprecedented'

    The former public information-disclosure "guru" for the federal government has come out with a blistering indictment of Hillary Clinton's dodgy e-mail setup.  The title of a Politico article by Dan Metcalfe, founding director of...

  • March 17, 2015

    Hillary Clinton, part-time secretary of state

    Hillary Clinton was, apparently, only a part-timer as secretary of state.  That's what her initial defense of using a personal server for official e-mails indicates, at least. Clinton claimed that she reviewed 62,320 e-mails from her time...

  • January 27, 2015

    Obamacare cost me my health insurance

    I have no health insurance today, due entirely to Obamacare. Being self-employed I have had an individual health insurance policy through the same major, health insurance company for approximately twenty years. Facing significant rate increases --...

  • September 3, 2014

    Stop the world, Barack wants off!

    Some have called it the worst summer ever. This may or may not include the summer when an asteroid crashed near the Yucatan peninsula, almost extinguishing life on earth. But, with Labor Day past and the kids going back to school, it's time to...

  • August 8, 2014

    Army's Bergdahl interrogation 'cordial,' relaxed

    You might think that the army's investigation of Sergeant Bowe Berdahl, accused by his brothers-in-arms of being a "deserter," and whose actions led to the death of other soldiers, would be pretty intense.   Not so, according...

  • June 5, 2014

    Obama's Bergdahl Swap Puts Americans in Danger for Photo Op

    Did Barack Obama flout federal law, and free dangerous, committed enemies of this country for a PR stunt? The White House now admits that it failed to notify Congress before freeing five Taliban leaders from Gitmo in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdah...

  • March 27, 2014

    Russia, Only a 'Regional Power' -- That Neighbors the U.S.

    By dismissing Russia as essentially irrelevant -- merely a "regional power" -- to U.S. interests, Barack Obama was prevaricating. After all, Russia and the United States are neighbors, and the region Russia threatens includes us. He should ...

  • February 13, 2014

    CBO Obamacare job loss worse than reported

    The Obama machine is scrambling to minimize damage inflicted by the Congressional Budget Office's report that Obamacare will have a negative impact on employment, delaying yet again parts of the employer mandate, and forcing employers to swear Orwell...

  • October 26, 2012

    Obama camp: It's Bill Clinton's fault

    Unwilling to accept that American voters may be ready to reject Barack Obama--and unable to point the finger at their Chosen One--the New York Times appears to be blaming ... Bill Clinton. In an article that appears to be heavily sourced from top Oba...

  • October 18, 2012

    Obama's parsed statement on Libya attack suggests a 'crime,' not terrorism

    A review of Barack Obama's statements shows that Barack Obama Tuesday night lied to the American people, live on nationwide TV, about his response to the attack in Libya.  In perhaps the debate's most heated exchanged, Obama claimed that the day...

  • October 16, 2012

    Debate Audience Selected by Firm Squeezed by Obama Justice Department

    Think the deck for Tuesday's town hall debate might have been stacked? The firm hired to select the audience asking questions is under pressure from the Obama Justice Department, and some observers suggest may have already succumbed to that bullying....

  • September 5, 2012

    DNC starts with a new Obama low

    If there's anything more gut-wrenching than seeing a child with a serious health problem, it's seeing a politician take advantage of a child with a serious health problem. Yet that's exactly what Barack Obama and the Democrat Party did to set the ton...

  • September 1, 2012

    Media pack tear into Romney's speech

    Politico has a a telling analysis of Mitt Romney's acceptance speech at the RNC. Writers Jim Vandenhei and John F. Harris ask a series of questions about the speech, and then posit what the media pronouncements will be, implicitly acknowledging their...

  • August 24, 2012

    Obama, Holder Sledgehammer the First Amendment

    In a move that could have chilling First Amendment consequences, the Obama regime this week showed that it's willing to use the full weight and power of the Justice Department to pummel any media outlet that doesn't toe the party line. Within days of...

  • August 21, 2012

    Poll: Change didn't work, Hope's gone

    Gallup is out with a poll that essentially shows that the Change thing Barack Obama promised hasn't worked out. And Hope appears to have caught a train for the coast. The survey, focused on swing states, says that a solid majority of registered voter...

  • August 18, 2012

    Potentially Devastating News on the Obama Economy

    The Gallup Organization had some bad news for Barack Obama on Friday. It's not that Obama fell behind Mitt Romney by two points in Gallup's daily tracking poll, although that couldn't have helped the the O-Team's spirits heading into the weekend. Bet...

  • August 17, 2012

    Romney's swing state bump

    Remember how a few days ago, the propaganda wing of the Democratic party--CBS, NYT, WaPo, AP, ad nauseum--were trumpeting new polls in battleground states showing that Barack Obama had substantial leads? Well, new surveys are out showing that Mitt R...

  • August 15, 2012

    Gallup judges Ryan with methodology it disparaged in '08

    "Reaction to Ryan as VP Pick Among Least Positive Historically," reads the headline from Gallup. It is already being regurgitated by the Obama propaganda machine, aka the MSM, as proof that Mitt Romney made a poor choice of running mates. Gallup clai...

  • August 2, 2012

    Does NYT/CBS Poll Mean Shenanigans for the Sunshine State?

    In what could be a portent of things to come, the media is already playing games with numbers in Florida.  As has been widely reported, a new New York Times/CBS News/Democratic National Committee poll has Barack Obama pulling away from Mitt Romn...

  • July 31, 2012

    AP: In praising Israel, Romney 'anti-Semitic.'

    When does praise of Israel become anti-Semitism? When it's offered by a Republican presidential contender. At least that's one interpretation being offered by the The Associated Press, which--when it comes to balanced political reporting--is rapidly ...

  • July 29, 2012

    Obama to Olympians: You Didn't Win That

    Swimmer Ryan Lochte claimed the first gold medal for U.S. athletes at the London Olympics on Saturday. But Barack Obama has a message for Lochte, and other American medal winners: You didn't win that. "Look, if you've been successful, you didn't get...

  • July 25, 2012

    Feinstein: Obama White House behind intelligence leaks

    With the administration leaking sensitive intelligent information like Niagara Falls, one top-ranking Democrat has admitted the obvious: the Obama White House is behind the leaks. From The Hill: "Sen Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Se...

  • April 27, 2012

    Are Americans better off today than four years ago? Gallup says No

    After Tuesday's primaries Mitt Romney asked if Americans are better off today than we were four years ago. According to Gallup, the answer is a resounding "No." Gallup reported Thursday that folks' feelings about their financial situation is the wors...

  • April 22, 2012

    Obama's Justice Department now referring media inquiries to Media Matters

    The Obama Justice Department has dropped all pretenses and is now referring media inquiries to George Soros's left-wing Media Matters. The Washington Free Beacon reports: "In response to an inquiry from the Free Beacon, a Justice Department spokeswo...

  • April 20, 2012

    Obama campaign's wooing of women

    Ever wonder why the media wing of the Democratic Party ginned up a supposed Republican war on women? The reason is buried in the internals of recent polls. With most Democrats sure to vote in lockstep for Their Leader--and Republicans even more sure ...

  • April 13, 2012

    'Buffett Rule' Millionaire Pays Thirty Times His Secretary's Taxes (and Not Such a Different Rate)

    Despite all of Barack Obama's bluster about the rich not paying their fair share, one millionaire at a White House event this week let slip that he actually pays thirty times as much in taxes as his secretary, and about the same tax rate. To gin up c...

  • April 10, 2012

    This is how the media 'fact checks' Obama?

    In an extraordinary move, the Washington Post is now 'fact checking' Barack Obama by interpreting what he might have meant to say, rather than what he actually said. The Post's Monday Fact Checker column was actually little more than a pretext to rat...

  • April 7, 2012

    Gallup: Job creation best in red state cities

    In a new Gallup survey, 9 of the top 10 U.S. markets with the highest job creation are in red states, states with a Republican governor. While 7 of the lowest 10 markets in job creation are in blue states, those with Democratic governors. Gallup surv...

  • March 29, 2012

    Surprising source of support for Boehner's version of debt ceiling talks

    During last summer's federal debt ceiling crisis, House Speaker John Boehner and Barack Obama came close to a 'Grand Bargain' to manage out-of-control government spending. After negotiations broke down, Boehner and Obama both essentially blamed the o...

  • March 28, 2012

    Bernanke: Obama Unemployment Numbers 'Out of Sync'

    Declining jobless numbers, sprouting lately from the Obama administration like so many spring crocuses, have left even the Chairman of the Federal Reserve puzzled over figures that are "out of sync" with the overall economy. "[T]he combination of rel...

  • March 14, 2012

    Gallup headlines rise in Obama's numbers, even as those number drop

    The Gallup Organization on Tuesday headlined a story about rising poll numbers for Barack Obama even as their daily tracking showed Obama's numbers dropping. The article, headlined "Obama's Job Approval Rating Reaches 49% Over Weekend," reports: "Ob...

  • December 22, 2011

    Democrats tell Lie of the Year

    Politifact has given its Lie of the Year award to Democrats who claim that Republicans are trying to 'end Medicare as we know it.' The left-leaning 'fact check' site could not, of course, do so as a straight-up story, devoting much of its article to ...

  • November 18, 2011

    Pelosi accuses Catholics of having 'this conscience thing'

    After having some of her behind the scenes shenanigans exposed, Nancy Pelosi has turned to her friends in the MSM to help her with damage control. The effect is something akin to watching what scrambles out after you overturn a large rock. Pelosi sou...

  • October 4, 2011

    Obama's campaign theme in three, uh, FIVE words

    In a much-hyped interview with George Stephanopoulos to promote the news tryst/marriage between ABC News and Yahoo.com Barack Obama was asked what the theme -- like the two words Hope and Change in 2008 -- would be for the 2012 electio...

  • May 31, 2011

    WaPo Denies GOP a Platform They Gave Obama

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • May 28, 2011

    CNN's Zakaria: Couldn't He Just Call Netanyahu a Slut?

    Just when you thought the Obama-Kool-Aid-swilling media couldn't sink any further into their foul muck, along comes ersatz expert-on-everything and Obama sycophant Fareed Zakaria.  Attempting to defend Obama's imperious effort to force Israel ba...

  • May 12, 2011

    60% Obama Approval? My Ass--ociated Press

    Obama sycophants in the media, which means most of the media, have been trumpeting an Associated Press poll that purports a 60% approval rating for Barack Obama. And if you believe that number, I have a compound in Abbottabad I'd like to sell you.The...

  • May 6, 2011

    Obama got Osama? Oh, Mama!

    It could be argued that Osama bin Laden is roasting in hell right now largely despite, not because of, Barack Obama.  Had Obama gotten his way, the world would likely have watched a far different spectacle play out in lower Manhattan on Thursday...

  • August 8, 2010

    Auto journalist takes on AT article

    Business writer Ed Wallace has penned a scathing critique of my recent American Thinker article, Race Played Role in Obama Car Dealer Closures, about the recent, withering Inspector General's report on the Obama administration's handling of the auto ...

  • July 23, 2010

    Obama approval falls to Karzai levels

    While Barack Obama and Afghan president Hamid Karzai may disagree on how to deal with the Taliban and al Qaeda, they do have something in common. Gallup reports that Obama's daily job approval rating, after spiking briefly after the public learned th...

  • July 22, 2010

    Race Played Role in Obama Car Dealer Closures

    The Obama administration, already under fire for unprecedented allegations of racial bias, faces a new bias claim from a most unlikely source: one of the administration's own inspectors general.Decisions on which car dealerships to close as part of t...

  • July 20, 2010

    Obama's 'Mandate for Sacrifice' Costs Thousands of Jobs

    As many as 100,000 Americans who lost their jobs, or will soon, because of GM and Chrysler dealership closings can thank Barack Obama and his "mandate for shared sacrifice," according to a top Obama official.In a scathing report on the fede...

  • July 14, 2010

    Why Do Ethics Cost More in the Obama White House?

    Sure, it sounds like a trick question. Or the setup line for a joke:Why do ethics cost more in the Obama White House?  - Because they're so hard to find.But the question is one of many that spring to mind after reviewing the most recent list of ...

  • February 5, 2010

    White House refuses to admit security breach in announcing underwear bomber cooperation

    The Obama administration's inexplicable decision to tell the world that the Christmas Day Undy-bomber has started talking, putting Obama's politics ahead of national security, has raised the ire of at least one Republican Senator. As we reported earl...

  • February 4, 2010

    Obama once again puts politics above security

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • February 1, 2010

    The Most Important Story You Didn't See Last Week (and Probably Won't Ever See)

    A Senate hearing last week confirmed the public's worst concern about Barack Obama: that when it comes to national security, Obama hasn't just been asleep at the switch -- he hasn't even bothered to find the switch."I do not think he [Obama] has...

  • February 1, 2010

    How Obama listens to Republicans

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • January 31, 2010

    Gallup: New lows for Obama

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • January 28, 2010

    Judd Gregg to MSNBC: 'You've got to have some integrity on your side of this camera, too."'

    MSNBC has finally been called out for its loon-atic left coverage. It happened on-air and came from the most unlikely of sources, a man that Barack Obama had originally named for his cabinet. New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg was answering questions ...

  • January 27, 2010

    State of Dis-Union

    Given Barack Obama's polarizing effect on the country, perhaps his speech tonight should be called the State of the dis-Union. Nevertheless, the Obamedia is hyperventilating over Obama's next teleprompter-reading session. Not wanting to get left behi...

  • January 8, 2010

    MS-NBC: Intelligence Failure a 'Conspiracy' against Obama?

    One thing you've got to say for MS-NBC: They stand by their man. But even Tammy Wynette would cringe at the senseless devotion to Barack Obama they displayed this week.To call it puppy-dog-like would be an insult to canines.Just days after seven CIA ...

  • January 4, 2010

    Is Obama Really at War with a 'Network of Violence'?

    Unlike most folks, I believe that Barack Obama really was sincere when he said we are "at war against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred."Unfortunately, I think Obama secretly was referring to the Fox News Channel.Obama spent muc...

  • December 30, 2009

    Top Ten reasons it took Obama 3 days to respond to terror attempt

    Barack Obama has received considerable criticism for waiting three days to address the attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Flight 253. In the holiday spirit of giving, I would like to offer Obama ... the Top 10 excuses Obama can use for why ...

  • December 8, 2009

    Palin now as popular as Obama

    Barack Obama has sunk to a new low in Gallup's job approval numbers. The polling firm reported Monday that Obama's approval rating had dropped to 47% in their rolling three day average. Perhaps equally important, Gallup says 46% of the people they a...

  • November 24, 2009

    Winston Churchill and Senator Landrieu

    Reports that Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu sold her vote to bring the Senate health scare bill to the floor for $300 million are reminiscent of an apocryphal tale told of Winston Churchill and Lady Astor."Would you sleep with me for a million ...

  • November 21, 2009

    American satisfaction with their health care coverage growing

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • November 19, 2009

    All that health care reform money - for nothing

    Seinfeld fans should love Harry Reid's health scare plan. Reid wants to spend almost a trillion of your tax dollars over the next decade for ... nothing.   According to reports, Reid's plan would leave 24 million people uninsured in 2019. T...

  • November 6, 2009

    Dems Exploit Infant Deaths to Sell ObamaCare

    There are lies, there are damned lies, and there are the statistics that Democrats have ginned up to try to sell ObamaCare.The most recent example comes from statistics bandied about by their media mouthpieces this week purporting that infant mortali...

  • November 6, 2009

    Jobs 'created or saved' by Obama?

    The number of jobs created or saved by the Obama administration? -1,847,058. That's negative 1,847,058. And it's a conservative estimate.Christina Romer, the chair of Obama's Council of Economic Advisors, warned last January that unemployment would c...

  • November 3, 2009

    Gallup: GOP would win the House of Representatives

    Psst. Don't tell anybody, but Republicans would win control of Congress if the election were now, instead of next year.It's sure to remain the biggest political secret not in the news. Naturally, the media will ignore it; the polling company that pro...

  • October 30, 2009

    An Obama Halloween Tale

    An allegory"What treat would you like?" I asked the two costumed children at my door."Thirty-eight thousand, seven hundred fifty-two dollars and sixty-five cents," said the girl.My hand froze inside the candy jar. "...Apiece,...

  • October 23, 2009

    45,000 uninsured deaths?

    As many Americans die needlessly under government-managed health care each year as folks who supposedly die from lack of health insurance.Yet Democrats, and their media sock puppets, have shamelessly exploited highly questionable estimates of uninsur...

  • October 20, 2009

    Operation Rushbo, Fox News and Obama's Politics of Hate

    Whether Rush Limbaugh was set up in his failed attempt to become an NFL team owner, there is no doubt that he is the target of a new Politics of Hate, perfected and implemented by Barack Obama and his handlers.Obama's oratory of Hope and Change has p...

  • October 7, 2009

    Pollsters push people to accept Obamacare

    Gallup has unintentionally revealed how they, and other polling organizations, have been pushing the public to accept Obamacare. The revelation came in a report late last month which revealed that a significant majority of Americans believes that ind...

  • October 2, 2009

    Obama's bad week

    That peculiar sound you hear is the sound of ten million of your tax dollars being flushed down Barack Obama's ego. Obama returned to Washington Friday from a Olympic lobbying junket that went over even flatter than his healthcare numbers.The Lobbyis...

  • October 1, 2009

    Afghanistan: Obama's Inaction speaks louder than words

    With Barack Obama, inaction speaks louder than words. At least on his commitment to the U.S. troops putting their necks on the line in Afghanistan. General Stanley McChrystal said on Sunday that Barack Obama had spoken to him only once since Obama ap...

  • September 26, 2009

    NJ video proves Obama's school-speech opponents right

    The video  of New Jersey teachers drilling schoolchildren to chant paeans to "Barack Hussein Obama"--adult Obamatons training impressionable children to become little Obamatons--proves that conservatives were right to oppose Barack Oba...

  • September 16, 2009

    The House rebukes Barack Obama--unintentionally

    When House Democrats voted to escalate partisanship to unprecedented levels and rebuke congressman Joe Wilson, they also, effectively, voted to rebuke Barack Obama. They did so, confident that their comrades in Big Media would never report it.Showing...

  • September 15, 2009

    NY Times forced to use rivals' reporting

    If the New York Times were, indeed, still the Gray Lady, she would be in therapy these days. The Times website  was forced on Tuesday to link to a story by their competition, the New York Post. A story that was two weeks old.In a report on Repub...

  • September 11, 2009

    Does Obama even care about 9/11?

    The same gang that terrorized the site of one of the 9/11 attacks a few months ago has managed to pull off an equally troubling event at the location of the other attack -- on the anniversary of 9/11, yet. The culprits were none other than the Obama ...

  • September 10, 2009

    Trust in Congress at all-time low

    Barack Obama is not the only Democrat in Washington who's having trouble with his poll numbers. Never in Gallup's tracking has the American public's opinion of Congress been so low.Gallup has released a new survey which shows that only 45% of re...

  • September 10, 2009

    Was Rep. Joe Wilson responding in kind?

    The Democrats' Big Media comrades are circling around South Carolina's representative Joe Wilson like vultures over fresh road kill. When Barack Obama claimed during his Wednesday night set piece that his health industry power grab would not cover il...

  • September 2, 2009

    Kennedy's legacy: Chappaquiddick end-of-life care

    Edward Kennedy's death can teach us one thing about ObamaCare. It's not the spin the Big Media wing of the Democrat Party is trying to sell: that Congress should force government-run health care on us, no matter how much we oppose it, as a tribute to...

  • August 28, 2009

    Are Pelosi's lies impeachable?

    Nancy Pelosi is a liar.And not just the typical, sniveling, inside-the-Beltway-talking-head prevaricator, either. Nancy Pelosi is a wide-eyed, stare-you-in-the-face, What-planet-are-you-from? liar.Proof is provided in Thursday's Wall Street Journal. ...

  • August 27, 2009

    Repeal Obama's Raw Deal. Now.

    Back in 2003, when a Barack Obama presidency was little more than a gleam in George Soros's eye, Jim Powell published a book which was disturbingly prescient. Titled FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression, it outli...

  • August 26, 2009

    It's official: Obamanomics has failed

    The Obama administration on Tuesday acknowledged that Obamanomics, the dismal science of spending other people's money as fast as possible, honed with ward bosses and union kingpins on Chicago's South Side, has failed.They did so, not in so many word...

  • August 20, 2009

    Health care reform that actually works!

    "Where's the Republican plan?"It's one of the red herrings that apologists for Obamacare pull out of their bag of clichéd talking points when pressed to justify Democrats' attempt to grab control of 18% of the nation's economy.Well, ...

  • August 20, 2009

    Backtracking on Obama's grandiose green jobs promise

    Remember how Barack Obama claimed that he would create five million 'green-collar' jobs if elected? He was promoting the conceit as recently as a few days ago in Indiana. You'd think that the good folks in the Hoosier state would recognize the odor o...

  • August 14, 2009

    Town Hall Outrage? Media cooperated in disruptions at GOP events

    A special spot in hell is reserved for the media whose shameless hypocrisy has sunk to new lows with their feigned indignation over health care town hall protests. Even as they currently bluster about 'astroturf' and shout down guests about shouting ...

  • July 30, 2009

    2.8 Million porkulus dollars down the toilet

    At least 2.8 million dollars of porkulus money will be flushed down the drain -- literally.In remote areas of one of the nation's least populous states, New Mexico, the Obama administration has decided to spend almost three million of your tax dollar...

  • July 26, 2009

    MSNBC Chief: You're might be a racist if...

    Police officers weren't the only folks being called racist by Obama supporters last week. If you have ever harbored doubt about why the Obama machine has been unable to provide incontrovertible proof of his U.S. citizenship, then you ... are ... a .....

  • July 14, 2009

    Will Dems allow Goldman to manipulate a cap-and-trade market?

    Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street leviathan that is heavily invested in the cap-and-trade carbon market scam, has admitted it has developed and used software that can manipulate such financial markets.The revelation came during proceedings in a legal ca...

  • July 12, 2009

    WaPo's 'ethical lapse of monumental proportions'

    "an ethical lapse of monumental proportions."  That is how the Washington Post's own Ombudsman describes WaPo's salongate -- and, yes, the suffix is used intentionally, since the term was first used to describe the Washington Post's ra...

  • July 10, 2009

    Ombudsman to weigh in on WaPo 'salon' controversy

    The contretemps over the Washington Post's recent sordid attempt to prostitute itself and its reporters isn't over. According to Editor and Publisher, WaPo ombudsman Andy Alexander plans an unusually long column in Sunday's edition:"He...

  • July 6, 2009

    A most unusual Fourth of July

    It was a most unusual Fourth of July holiday.While we, the American people, were celebrating the passage of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, 1776, our only nationally-elected leaders, the President and Vice-President, seem to ha...

  • July 3, 2009

    Journalists protest Global Warming spin cycle

    Even journalists are beginning to revolt at tactics the government is now using to spin the Global Warming myth.Controversy erupted this week at the World Conference of Science Journalists over the National Science Foundation's "underwriting...

  • June 29, 2009

    Huffington Hypocrisy: 'It's OK for us to do it.'

    With a change in directions so sharp that it could give observers whiplash, Arianna Huffington is defending the carefully orchestrated question posed by a Huffington Post writer at the presidential news conference last week. After braying criticism d...

  • June 27, 2009

    If the President doesn't stand for Freedom

    If the President of the United States does not stand for freedom, who will?In a time of crisis, with lives in the balance, in the conflict between two powerful ideologies -- one that prizes freedom, one that would strangle its people in a totalitaria...

  • June 19, 2009

    NY Times Editor: Critics 'weird'

    Was New York Times editor Bill Keller referring to my American Thinker column when he called critics of his personal involvement in Iranian election coverage, "weird?"In an email to Editor and Publisher Keller complained that he's rece...

  • June 17, 2009

    Say, brother, can you spare a ... plane ticket?

    I don't know whether it says more about the state of the economy or the state of the White House press corps -- or which is more pathetic -- but most members of the Fourth Estate didn't bother to travel with the Big O on his trip to Chicago this week...

  • June 16, 2009

    Was the Times describing A-Jad, or Obama?

    Without a trace -- not even one pixel -- of irony, the editor of the New York Times Monday accused Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of being a "shrewd and ruthless front man" for a political elite, the same charge that has been leveled against the Times...

  • June 12, 2009

    When does the Big O 'own' the economy?

    To date, Barack Obama has taken responsibility for the economy ... and handed it directly to the Bush administration. But when does the Big O 'own' the economy? When will folks decide that, having spent trillions of dollars and left them and their ch...

  • June 8, 2009

    The real problem with Sotomayor's 'wise latina' remarks

    Setting aside the potentially racist aspects, there is a potentially more troubling factor in Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotamayor's oft-repeated 'wise latina' comments. Her contention is that a wise latina would be able to make better decision...

  • June 7, 2009

    On D-Day, Obama disses American troops

    In his D-Day address Barack Obama praised "the bravery and selflessness" of American troops from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam, but specifically refused to recognize the courage and sacrifice of American troops serving in Afghanista...

  • May 28, 2009

    While Hollywood sang Obama's praises

    With North Korea threatening imminent war, the 30,000 American troops  who are little more than a Lebron James jump shot away from the DMZ can take comfort that their Commander in Chief was -- no, not in Washington supervising the State and Defe...

  • May 27, 2009

    WaPo: Obama now owns Air Force One

    Legacy media sycophancy may have reached new heights Wednesday as the WaPo declared that Air Force One now actually belongs to the Big O. In an article about a Las Vegas fund raiser for Harry Reid, the WaPo reported,  "Reid welcomed the pre...

  • April 21, 2009

    Did 'enhanced interrogation' save Los Angeles?

    If you live in L.A. and didn't die in a terrorist attack, you may owe it to the CIA's use of the "enhanced interrogation techniques" that are currently under fire from the Obama administration and the left-wing fringe.In a compelling Op-Ed ...

  • April 17, 2009

    Scot Singer Susan Boyle, the anti-Obama?

    There is something viscerally compelling about the current viral internet video. If you're one of the three people in America who haven't yet seen Susan Boyle's appearance on Britain's Got Talent--American Idol with a bunch of accents--you owe it to ...

  • April 15, 2009

    NBC reality show: Hush money to Blago?

    Ignoring all appearances of impropriety, NBC is wrangling to give Rod Blagojevich (D-Ill.) a deal which could be considered hush money. The peacock network has announced that it's agreed to hire the indicted former Illinois governor for a reality TV ...

  • April 6, 2009

    Lifetime jobs at the New York Times?

    A Boston Herald report on the sorry state of affairs at the NY Times-owned Boston Globe, which apparently is even worse straits than is the Graying Lady, contained two rather starling revelations.While the Times and other liberal media outlets have r...

  • April 3, 2009

    NY Times hides Blag-O connection

    The New York Times is once again filtering content to protect its Chosen One. Their Friday report on the indictment of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich covers up the document's many allegations against Barack Obama's "political patr...

  • March 31, 2009

    Spot the party label

    In basketball, 'D' refers to defense; in political reporting, 'D' signifies Democrats. When it comes to reporting political scandals, though, 'D' seems to be missing from the increasingly partisan publication that used to be the nation's newspap...

  • February 5, 2009

    Inside Obama's sausage factory

    In the end, Tom Daschle had to go, not because of his tax problems, but because he had allowed a glimpse inside the Obama sausage factory.  And what folks saw could have made even a certain peanut plant look pristine by comparison.It can be...

  • January 27, 2009

    The Curious Case of Patrick Leahy

    Much like a character in a current movie, the world seems to be moving backwards for Senator Patrick Leahy. Or at least in different ways that it does for the rest of us, ways that allow him to act like things he's done in the past simply never happe...

  • December 1, 2008

    Playing 20 Questions with the Media

    Journalists are inquisitive creatures by nature, constantly asking questions and demanding answers. Loudly. Yet, some questions never seem to be thrown their way. Here are twenty questions I would like to ask the media:Has anyone else ever used ...

  • November 5, 2008

    Do We Get the Government We Deserve?

    Yesterday, Americans by the millions went to the polls and elected a new President. Today in America, a police officer will risk her life to save someone she's never met. A teacher will stay late to help an at-risk student. A driver will pull off the...

  • October 23, 2008

    Secret of Obama tax plan revealed?

    I have learned how Barack Obama plans to cut taxes for 95% of the public, even though only 60% of people pay income taxes.  The explanation came from a young man calling from an Obama phone bank, one of millions of such calls being made these da...

  • October 21, 2008

    Media Polls: Pimping for Obama?

    The New York Times and their comrades-in-harm, CBS, last week declared Barack Obama the winner of the 2008 presidential election.Well, okay, not officially. But in the hours leading up to the crucial, final presidential debate, they released a p...

  • October 13, 2008

    What an Obama Administration Might Look Like

    With the media having all but declared Barack Obama the winner in the presidential election, it could be time to consider what an Obama administration might look like.The Vice-President, of course, would be Joe "I'm not the guy" Biden,...

  • July 22, 2008

    Big Media Puts Its Money Where Its Mouth Is

    The New York Times' refusal to publish John McCain's rebuttal to Barack Obama's Iraq Op-Ed may be the most glaring example of liberal media bias this journalist has ever seen, but true proof of widespread media bias requires one to follow an old jour...

  • July 10, 2008

    Obama, the PAC-Man

    While the media elite goes after Vets for Freedom for making a TV buy for John McCain,  they're giving Barack Obama a free ride as he surfs a wave of PAC money to the Democratic nomination, a wave that, if anything, is nearing tsunami propo...

  • June 20, 2008

    The Fairness Doctrine at Work

    While some Democrats push to re-impose the Fairness Doctrine, an example of the harmful effects of doing so has played out in the most unlikely of places--the Aspen airport.For those not familiar with the Fairness Doctrine, it was a Federal Communica...

  • June 16, 2008

    Top 10 reasons to blame Democrats for soaring gasoline prices

    This started out as an attempt to create a light and humorous, Letterman-esque Top 10 list. But the items on the list, and the drain Americans are seeing in their pocketbooks because of Democrats' actions (sometimes inaction) are just too tragic...

  • May 31, 2008

    Soros Publisher 'Shaped' McClellan's Hit Job: Other publishers don't recognize it as the same book

    An examination of published reports reveals that Scott McClellan's kiss-and-smell betrayal of George W. Bush is a far cry from the book McClellan started out to write and was shaped into an offensive tome by a publisher with close ties to George Soro...

  • March 13, 2007

    Welcome to the Nevada Democratic Party Presidential Debate

    Satire"Welcome to the Nevada Democratic Party presidential debate. My Name is Tim Russert and I'll be you moderator tonight--""Excuse me, Tim.""Yes, candidate Edwards?""As you know, Tim, we simply refuse to appear o...

  • February 24, 2006

    Dean's Abramoff Tie

    Before Howard Dean huffed recently that 'not one dime of Jack Abramoff's money ever went to any Democrat,'  he should have checked his own pockets. By only the most Clintonesque parsing of words can Dean's statement be considered passably accur...

  • January 17, 2006

    NY Times Hypocrisy: The Empire Strikes Back

    When you point out that the emperor has no clothes, you're bound to get an angry reaction from the emperor's court. When the dis—robed monarch is the New York Times, it's likely to come as blowback from the elite Northeast media. A few days ago...

  • January 12, 2006

    Under Clinton, NY Times called surveillance "a necessity"

    The controversy following revelations that U.S. intelligence agencies have monitored suspected terrorist related communications since 9/11 reflects a severe case of selective amnesia by the New York Times and other media opponents of President Bush. ...