William Lalor

William Lalor

  • July 2, 2011

    Deflating the Higher Education Bubble

    It's been refreshing to see higher education given some real scrutiny and focus lately.  For my wife and me, something like "focus" happened when we met with a financial advisor before we had our first child, Evan.  Or was it blind panic?...

  • June 21, 2011

    Why Did John Boehner Play Golf With President Obama?

    I hate it when politicians play golf.  This is a non-partisan sentiment; I'm a voter, over-taxed and worried about my kids' future, and to me, golf vividly identifies politicians with a kind of repulsive back-slapping, fat cigar, out-of-touch je...

  • April 9, 2011

    The GOP Made a Bad Deal

    Last night's budget compromise amounted to series of broken promises by the GOP, and it was a tremendous opportunity lost.  No matter what the accounting tricks and PR machinations say, the simple facts are that the GOP promised conservatives $1...

  • January 10, 2007

    The New UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon

    It's a curious exercise to predict the impact new Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon might have on the United Nations.  At first, I asked myself why I'd even care.  The United Nations isn't exactly cranking out results these days, at least ...

  • June 24, 2006

    Attorney General Gonzales: Indict the New York Times

    Within days of the September 11th attacks, the head of Reuters' worldwide news division, explaining the agency's refusal to use the word 'terrorist,' made the famous fatuous remark that 'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.'...