William J. Meisler

William J. Meisler

  • July 27, 2013

    The American Oligarchs

    The political history and mores of the late Roman Republic shed interesting light on the current governing elite in DC and the state of the American republic. In his classic study of the last days of the Roman Republic titled The Roman Revolution, Si...

  • June 16, 2013

    Modern Sophists, Ancient Trade

    As the scandals surrounding the Obama administration continue to brew and spread, certain apologists for the president are once again accusing Obama's critics of indulging in conspiracy mongering in order to torpedo Obama's presidency. The president...

  • May 11, 2013

    The Enemy from Within and the Enemy from Without

    In 1453, with the Turks literally on the verge of storming the once-impregnable walls of Constantinople, the Byzantine Greeks persistently devoted their energies to their longstanding passion for arguing over matters of religious minutiae among thems...

  • May 5, 2013

    Marriage and the Civil Society

    In much of the recent public discourse about marriage one hears a good deal about the personal appurtenances and fringe benefits of marriage but never any meaningful discussion about the place of marriage in society as a whole. Yet how can a society ...

  • April 24, 2013

    How to Slice Bread

    Aristotle taught that everything which occurs or is conceived according to natural law is for the best or will produce the best result, Therefore, whenever one is confronted with a choice, the choice that is most consistent with nature -- the natural...

  • March 15, 2013

    Magical Thinking and Iran

    One of the characteristics of the progressive or utopian mindset is its devotion to magical thinking. Progressives, particularly the "useful idiot" progressives, believe that by pronouncing certain incantations or magical words or by performing certa...

  • February 16, 2013

    The Welfare State and Manhood

    There is no question that the recent decision of the Obama administration to admit women to military combat units represents the crowning achievement of the feminist agenda.  By elevating women to the same level as men throughout our defense for...

  • November 13, 2012

    The Price of Folly

    The ancient Greek word pleonexia meant "wanting to have more of something for oneself than is proper, fit or to be expected." It was akin to hybris, in that it expressed the concept of transgressing normal or appropriate boundaries. In modern terms, ...

  • July 7, 2011

    A Democrat's 'Two Minutes Hate'?

    I have often wondered whether Democrats and the media secretly participate in a "Two Minutes' Hate" like that described in Orwell's book 1984.  I can easily imagine how it might go: At 11 AM every day a menacing picture of George Bush's face app...