William J. Becker Jr.

William J. Becker Jr.

  • November 21, 2012

    The Santa Monica Nativity Scene Case: Why We Lost

    As TV networks began to call the race for President Obama in the 2012 general election earlier this month, Karl Rove fumbled with his white board insisting the race wasn't over and that the votes from vital Ohio counties had not yet been fully tallie...

  • August 13, 2006

    Humanist Myopia: Blaming Bush

    In an opening scene of David Lynch's 1986 perverse but relevant film Blue Velvet, a man is watering his front lawn on what appears to be a halcyon suburban day in the American town of Lumberton.  It's a carefree scene that follows a montage of s...

  • May 14, 2005

    The ACLU campaign to advance communist goals

    [editor's note: normally, we do not reprint articles which appear elsewhere. However, we are making an exception for this one by our contributor William Becker, Jr. It is available only via subscription to readers of the Los Angeles and San Francisc...

  • April 25, 2005

    Democracy in reverse gear

    I have a dream.  That one day Roe v. Wade, as dreadful a decision as Dred Scott, will either row or wade into the deep waters of oblivion and remain forever marooned as the narcissistic transgression of a morally indigent court. I have a dream....

  • December 15, 2004

    A history lesson for the Cupertino Union School District

    A nation's moral life is the foundation of its culture.'  —— Robert Bork "Independence can be trusted nowhere but with the people in mass. They are inherently independent of all but moral law." —— Thomas Jefferson, 1819...

  • November 14, 2004

    Blurring lines of moral equivalency

    A glittering constellation of populist inquiries into what defines 'moral values' illuminates the black velvet canvas of ideological debate like never before.  A starry alignment, of sorts, occurred recently when Alan Simpson, the folksy former ...