William F. Dement

William F. Dement

  • March 28, 2014

    Progressivism Unbound at HUD

    It was 1993. I lived in an all-white, middle-class neighborhood, mostly Italian and Irish with some Albanian-Americans, in Staten Island, New York. I interviewed 22 people in order to rent my two-family home where I lived in the bottom apartment. App...

  • December 12, 2013

    Rethinking Military Schools

    Are you confounded by Common Core? Are you sick of endless standardized testing with less classroom teaching? Is your child doing the new fuzzy math?. Don't worry if you child doesn't learn 5th grade fractions or 6th grade decimals. You're told they'...

  • November 30, 2013

    In New York City, the Perfect Storm is Building

    The Perfect Storm We can clearly discenr sevaral trends coming together. New York City has experienced over twenty years of decreasing crime rates. But aggressive policing tactics such as Stop and Frisk and targeting open-air narcotics sellers, cou...