William D. Howard

William D. Howard

  • July 2, 2022

    An Ode to Old White Men

    I like ‘old white men’: Socrates, Abe Lincoln, Moses, even Ronald Reagan. As an ‘old black man’ once said, we should judge people based upon their character, not their race. The so-called “progressive” faction of t...

  • July 19, 2021

    Keeping score: Biden's woeful record

    The Biden administration has now been in office over two hundred days.  Let's check the political scorecard: we have massive illegal immigration, a massive increase in violent crime, a massive increase in the national debt, and increasi...

  • August 18, 2020

    The Left and the Logic of History

    If we follow the twisted logic of the Left, all immigration is good, even illegal immigration, but the initial process of exploration and settlement which opened the door for that future immigration was a great evil.  The myopic leftist does all...

  • March 20, 2020

    ‘American Exceptionalism’ Under Attack

    One thing that progressives and secular humanists have in common is their disdain for the belief in “American exceptionalism.” This belief has been fundamental to how Americans have viewed their country from the beginning. It is the belie...

  • March 1, 2020

    Call Democrats the Regressive Party

    They proudly call themselves "Progressives," but the fundamental beliefs and policies they espouse were once the status quo of ancient Egypt and Babylonia.  The so- called "Progressives" of today are truly the most regre...

  • February 17, 2020

    If You Want to Know America's Future, Peer into the Looking-Glass of Europe

    When Notre Dame Cathedral burned in 2019, it was symbolic of a greater Europe-wide collapse of religious faith that had already taken place.  That great cathedral, like most of the others in Europe, had long since passed from being a vibran...

  • December 18, 2019

    The Strange Alliance: Secular Humanism and Neo-Paganism

    Beginning in the 1700's in Europe we began to see the forming of a strange and seemingly self-contradictory alliance of intellectuals and artists/writers that made-up a large part of what we now call "The Enlightenment". Broadly speakin...

  • November 29, 2019

    Culture is King

    Beginning in the 1960s, society began to give up parental rights to the creators of mass popular culture.  Movies, TV, video games, and of course music are now the surrogate parents of our young.  During the same period of our his...