William Campenni

William Campenni

  • The Remedy for Birthright Citizenship

    February 3, 2025

    The Remedy for Birthright Citizenship

    President Trump’s recent action to end birthright citizenship will eventually be decided in the Courts, and probably the Supreme Court.  There are conflicting opinions and political biases on birthright citizenship because the constit...

  • August 27, 2022

    Joe Biden at The Office

    Scranton, Pennsylvania lies in the undulating Lackawanna Valley, sandwiched between the Endless Mountains on the west and the Poconos to the east.  At the intro of each episode of the TV sitcom The Office, the video takes you on a wind...

  • July 4, 2022

    This is my country

    Growing up in World War II in northeastern Pennsylvania, we had a local pride for a nearby popular singing group, Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, working out of a resort at the Delaware Water Gap. They were very popular on the radio and concer...

  • June 6, 2021

    Great Generations

    A decade back a neighbor and I decided to make a trip to the beach, something we had talked about for years, but finally got up and did it.  It was a beach on the other side of France from the more glamourous Riviera, in a region called Normandy...

  • February 23, 2021

    A picture from Iwo Jima

    It's February.  The star-spangled kneelers of the NFL have given way to their imitators in the NBA, and soon some millionaire dugout squatters of baseball will be adding their insults to the flag they hate. Today is February 23, an o...

  • February 16, 2021

    Taking Reservations for Third Annual Trump Impeachment Show

    Back in the late 1930s, one of the movies’ best box office attractions was the Andy Hardy series starring adolescent stars Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland.  For the Woke Generation for whom history seems to have begun around 2009 with an oc...

  • February 13, 2021

    We're supposed to believe that only 11 million illegal aliens are in the USA and that the number has been the same since 2003

    Some numbers are constants, a fixed numeric value established by physics, mathematics, geometry, law, literature, or logic.  They never change.  Take for example π (pi, 3.1416), the Ten Commandments, the Three Musketeers, 12 in...

  • February 11, 2021

    Pack the Congress, not the Supreme Court

    There are 435 members of House of Representatives.  Unlike the Senate, the number is not mandated by the Constitution.  It has been that way since 1913, save for one year when it was expanded to 437 to give new states of Alaska an...

  • July 27, 2020

    Joe Biden Left Scranton Long Ago

    Joe Biden claims Scranton nativity (true) and Scranton values (not true).  A recent Biden campaign commercial shows the empty bedroom in his Scranton childhood home. That emptiness is a veritable vignette because Biden booked out of Scranton at ...

  • January 28, 2017

    Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

    A warm, sunny Saturday a decade ago, there was a Hispanic festival in our small town, a bedroom community for illegal aliens seeking day labor jobs in the nearby wealthy suburbs. It was a sanctuary city at the time. No problem with the festival itsel...

  • November 5, 2016

    The United States as a dam

    In the midst of the Depression, a major engineering task when building the Hoover Dam (whose name also became a political issue) was what to do with the Colorado River while the dam was being built. The untamed Colorado River was wild, powerful, a...

  • September 16, 2016

    Nothing in Common

    "You're the last person I thought would ever come through for me." As he is wheeled out of the hospital, lamed and helpless from the amputation of his gangrenous appendages, recently fired from his job, divorced by his wife, and shun...

  • May 15, 2013

    Just to Save One Guy...

    In his fact-based story collection Tales of the South Pacific, James Michener describes the rescue of one pilot downed in Japanese territory. When completed, it is at the cost of another plane and its pilot, a seaplane rescue craft, and to protect hi...

  • February 8, 2013

    Calling Their Bluff on Immigration Reform

    Well, here we go again! Four perennial Republican supporters of amnesty for illegal aliens, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, and new kid Marco Rubio, are teaming up with the Democrats to grant amnesty to 11 million people who made a criminal ...

  • January 21, 2012

    Mr. Gingrich's Neighborhood

    It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,A beautiful day for a neighbor.Would you be mine?Could you be mine?... Mr. (Fred) Rogers isn't around anymore, but if Newt Gingrich so serenaded me I would quickly acquiesce to be his neighbor. And who woul...