Walt Elgin

Walt Elgin

  • November 25, 2012

    The Democrats' Fiscal Cliff Strategy

    It's hard to believe this strategy amounts to "winning" for Democrats and their followers. 1. Legislate huge spending increases without a Republican vote. 2. Ignore record-breaking budget deficits caused by this legislation while you still ha...

  • September 23, 2012

    QE Forever

    Quantitative easing (QE) is the Federal Reserve Bank's attempt to stimulate our economy.  So far QE has boosted the stock market but not employment enough.   The strategy of running inflation higher than interest rates for an e...

  • July 4, 2011

    A Lot More Rhetoric than Change

    It's amazing how great a distance the Obama Administration has traveled from the presidential campaign, punctuated by endless criticism of the previous  administration for, among many other imaginings, domestic invasions of privacy, military inv...

  • May 4, 2010

    Early harbingers of the health care fiasco

    The idea of a high-risk insurance pool for those with pre-existing conditions is too good to be swallowed up in the morass called Obamacare. We already had 35 state programs to consider and incorporate into a proven and workable national plan - but p...

  • April 30, 2010

    Obama's stealth attack on our legal foundations

    Bowing to foreign power was not just a matter of misplaced etiquette. As its creeping socialism morphs into a quirky gallop, Obama's State Department is supporting an International Criminal Court (ICC) with jurisdiction over what has always been sove...