W.A. Eliot

W.A. Eliot

  • The CDC website really needs to update its COVID protocols

    March 17, 2025

    The CDC website really needs to update its COVID protocols

    A month ago, a COVID-positive patient was admitted to a Baltimore skilled nursing facility, which immediately adopted stringent COVID protocols, insisting that both staff and visitors wear masks at all times (not that either group wore them very...

  • Is Taylor Swift the next ‘Brandon’?

    February 11, 2025

    Is Taylor Swift the next ‘Brandon’?

    Who can forget when an NBC reporter, interviewing unexpected NASCAR winner Brandon Brown after the race, tried to gaslight viewers hearing the loud chorus of “F--- Joe Biden” chants from the crowd in the stands by saying, “As you ca...

  • How to make Anthony Fauci pay

    January 29, 2025

    How to make Anthony Fauci pay

    Only in America can someone illegally fund coronavirus gain-of-function research, causing the pandemic; be in charge of the pandemic response; retire with the highest federal pension in history; and be pardoned for his crimes.  In future te...

  • Time to end the lingering COVID protocols

    January 8, 2025

    Time to end the lingering COVID protocols

    A few weeks ago my mother had a serious surgery in a county hospital.  The following sign appears all over the hospital on the pillars in the patient wards (hospital acronym blacked out): Sure, these signs were put up during COVID an...

  • Prediction: Joe Biden will issue mass pardons to the J6 inmates

    January 2, 2025

    Prediction: Joe Biden will issue mass pardons to the J6 inmates

    Emboldened by correctly predicting Kamala would get the debate questions in advance (oh, I apologize, ABC, it was just the topics, not the questions, so it’s all good and you smell like a rose), I’m going to go way out on a limb with anot...

  • To Bret Stephens: Apology not accepted

    December 27, 2024

    To Bret Stephens: Apology not accepted

    Bret Stephens is one of the New York Times’ token conservatives, but “token” is far too kind a word.  Not only is he no William Safire, he has been the worst kind of NeverTrump.  Now he’s repenting: It...

  • Pardon my pardons...

    December 6, 2024

    Pardon my pardons...

    According to Politico, Joe Biden and his team are discussing pre-emptive pardons for those Donald Trump is planning to “target” for prosecution (as if it were all just petty political retribution on Trump’s part).  By now,...

  • Time to end the legacy media’s legacy

    November 29, 2024

    Time to end the legacy media’s legacy

    A few days ago, Donald Trump Jr. said that his father is considering banning some mainstream media outlets from White House press briefings and replacing them with more independent outlets.  After all their lying, deception, and dirty tricks, bo...

  • Or maybe this is the reason Kamala lost

    November 24, 2024

    Or maybe this is the reason Kamala lost

    I keep reading articles claiming that this is the reason Kamala lost, with this being one of, or any combination of (in no particular order, and excuse any overlaps and omissions)... The economy, stupid; Uncontrolled spending; No border con...

  • Now is the right time in our country’s history to release the JFK files

    November 14, 2024

    Now is the right time in our country’s history to release the JFK files

    On these pages and elsewhere, writers have offered compelling evidence of another shooter and possible U.S. intelligence community involvement in JFK’s assassination, while other writers have rejected this narrative because too many people woul...

  • A strategy for countering dis-, mis-, mal-, non-, and non-trans information

    October 22, 2024

    A strategy for countering dis-, mis-, mal-, non-, and non-trans information

    It is maddening that the most egregious examples of disinformation and its variants come from the MSM and the government accusing us of the same.  While alternative conservative media and internet sleuths have done an excellent job exposing t...

  • Be prepared for these October and November surprises

    September 26, 2024

    Be prepared for these October and November surprises

    I’m not saying these are likely, I’m saying be prepared for them.  Perhaps highlighting them now will act as a deterrent. Shocking revelations allegedly from the Trump campaign’s hacked emails.  Have you been reading ab...

  • Geometry 101 for the USSS

    September 17, 2024

    Geometry 101 for the USSS

    It seems like the United States Secret Service strategy to protect Donald Trump is limited to putting a DEI hire in charge of the protection detail and height-challenged agents surrounding him.  Be that as it may, I am astounded that the USSS ap...

  • Assume Kamala gets the debate questions in advance

    September 6, 2024

    Assume Kamala gets the debate questions in advance

    As we all know, the mainstream media have for the last nine years given up any pretense of impartiality because, as Victor Davis Hanson puts it, “they proclaimed Donald Trump too dangerous to be president and therefore any means they employed t...

  • Should Republican politicians support ousting Biden from the presidency?

    July 23, 2024

    Should Republican politicians support ousting Biden from the presidency?

    In Joe Biden’s letter announcing he is not running for reelection, he says, And while it has [emphasis added] been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and t...

  • Problems with forcibly removing Biden

    July 9, 2024

    Problems with forcibly removing Biden

    It looks like Joe Biden is refusing to step down from the Democrat presidential ticket. Putting aside the legal issues and deadlines resulting from late ballot changes and the undesirability of Kamala Harris taking over, there are problems with remov...

  • Bash Bash

    July 1, 2024

    Bash Bash

    After Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, a flurry of conservative articles pointed out that the mainstream media have now been exposed as covering up Biden’s cognitive incapacity all this time, with titles along the lines of ...

  • What to do about woke science journals

    June 27, 2024

    What to do about woke science journals

    Let me define the “woke” in the title very broadly as promoting any of… a) a favored narrative or questionable treatment (e.g., publishing only articles supporting a huge climate change impact or government COVID-19 policies whi...

  • January 20, <em>2025</em>

    June 5, 2024

    January 20, 2025

    The events depicted below are intended to be fanciful—or are they? 9:00 AM: Donald Trump sits in the Federal Correctional institution, Otisville, in the Town of Mount Hope, NY, his loyal Secret Service crew rotating shifts ever since his Nov...

  • Questioning Fauci on remdesivir

    June 3, 2024

    Questioning Fauci on remdesivir

    One of the outrages of our time is that remdesivir for COVID-19 sailed through the approval process despite all the warning signs, leaving a trail of death.  A further outrage is that while former COVID officials are falling all over themselves ...

  • NIH is siccing the sick SIC on Trump

    May 31, 2024

    NIH is siccing the sick SIC on Trump

    The National Institutes of Health is taking action so that in case Donald Trump wins in November, it will be a lot harder for scientists at NIH to be punished for their misdeeds, according to Politico.  Per the 41-page draft of NIH’s new ...

  • Peer review needs peer review

    May 28, 2024

    Peer review needs peer review

    Here’s Senator Rand Paul being interviewed on Fox News in May 2021: Dr. Shi the ‘bat scientist’ -- that’s the most famous one from the Wuhan Institute -- when she published her papers, which scientists across the board ar...

  • For Biden’s re-election, WHO’s on first

    May 16, 2024

    For Biden’s re-election, WHO’s on first

    There is a World Health Organization meeting at the end of this month in Geneva.  As a result of that meeting, Joe Biden is expected to relinquish U.S. pandemic sovereignty to the WHO and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, th...

  • The CDC’s Latest Myocarditis Study is a Con Job

    May 10, 2024

    The CDC’s Latest Myocarditis Study is a Con Job

    Stung by media reports of young athletes dropping dead seemingly often and everywhere, and sensitive to the claim that studies relying on the passive VAERS reporting system drastically underreport vaccine events including deaths, the CDC looked at Or...

  • Don’t take the CISA ‘Russia’ narrative on blind faith

    April 15, 2024

    Don’t take the CISA ‘Russia’ narrative on blind faith

    Given its recent behavior, would you trust anything the CDC now says on COVID policy?  The FDA on COVID vaccines and therapeutics?  NIH on COVID origins and protocols?  How about the FBI on Trump-Russia collusion or domestic terrorism?...

  • The collapse of the California mathematics framework

    March 29, 2024

    The collapse of the California mathematics framework

    The Stanford Education professor who inspired the elimination of 8th grade Algebra I in San Francisco public schools (now repealed) and who was the impetus for the equity-based California Mathematics Framework (CMF) has been accused of numerous insta...

  • Another day, another suspicious ‘suicide’

    March 18, 2024

    Another day, another suspicious ‘suicide’

    With each high-profile “suicide” that looks like anything but, I get these suspicions (apologies to Eddie Rabbit).  It’s always the same basic story: obvious murder motive; hard-to-believe coincidences; a revisionist coron...

  • I beg your pardon ...

    March 3, 2024

    I beg your pardon ...

    We are living in times in which Democrats will take ever more extreme measures — no matter how bad they look — to get into and remain in power, as well as avoid punishment for their excesses while there.  As Jonathan Tobin writes...

  • The return of eighth-grade algebra to San Francisco

    February 20, 2024

    The return of eighth-grade algebra to San Francisco

    Believe it or not, it’s almost ten years since the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) voted to remove Algebra I from the eighth-grade curriculum in order to promote equity over excellence.  This no-child-left-ahead, or more accu...

  • Another scenario how Biden gets replaced

    February 18, 2024

    Another scenario how Biden gets replaced

    Seemingly every day, a new scenario is revealed how the left might remove Joe Biden and insert another candidate for the presidential election.  Heather Higgins, writing for RealClearPolitics, and covered by Thomas Lifson on AT, believes th...

  • Forgive Anheuser-Busch over Bud Light? Not yet.

    February 10, 2024

    Forgive Anheuser-Busch over Bud Light? Not yet.

    On Tuesday, Donald Trump posted on Truth Social that Anheuser-Busch made a very bad mistake with Bud Light, but it is not a woke company, and among other things, it helps farmers and employs veterans.  He then says, “Anheuser-Busch is...

  • December 20, 2023

    Hold the NFL to its word with its new Inspire Change slogan

    For years, the NFL has displayed the BLM logo and related themes on the backs of helmets and in the backs of end zones during games.  This and a cool $200+ million in protection money to BLM and related causes keep unfavorable press, boycot...

  • December 6, 2023

    Texas’s COVID Shot Lawsuit against Pfizer

    On November 30, Texas attorney general Ken Paxton (yes, the same one the left has been trying to oust for a long time, who recently was impeached but was acquitted on all charges) filed a lawsuit on behalf of the state of Texas against Pfizer for mis...

  • November 30, 2023

    Our Public Health Agencies are Still up to Their Old Tricks

    Maybe you thought our public health agencies would undergo some contrite introspection after blowing it on basically every major COVID-19 policy (masks, lockdowns, school closings, vaccine safety, and efficacy, therapeutics, etc.).  Yeah, sure....

  • November 20, 2023

    Find the three-legged man and save the republic

    Now that House Speaker Mike Johnson has more or less released the complete tapes of the J6 footage to the public, we discover that the J6 protests really were -- to borrow the notorious phrase from CNN – “mostly peaceful,” to the su...

  • November 14, 2023

    Piercing the halo of the FBI special agent

    When confronted with a litany of examples of recent FBI partisan bias, Director Christopher Wray in his congressional testimony always a makes a point of praising the rank-and-file special agents as being above the fray.  For example, here ...

  • November 9, 2023

    Who is responsible for remdesivir?

    No doubt many of you are tired of discussing remdesivir.  But there are two reasons to continue doing so: 1) remdesivir is still on the COVID inpatient hospital protocol, and 2) no one has been held responsible for it.  Here I...

  • November 6, 2023

    Rebutting Christopher Wray

    In both House and Senate testimony, at the end of being grilled by a Republican over the litany of recent FBI abuses and being told that as a result the FBI has the lowest level of trust by Americans in its history, FBI director Christopher Wray alwa...

  • November 1, 2023

    Can Taylor Swift knock sense into Travis Kelce regarding vaccines?

    After the Kansas City Chiefs surprisingly lost to the underdog Broncos in Denver this past Sunday, with Chiefs star tight end Travis Kelce putting in a somewhat mediocre performance, ex-NFL tight end Shannon Sharpe criticized Kelce for attending a Wo...

  • October 23, 2023

    The media and the Gaza hospital hoax

    Conservative media had a field day exposing the MSM on its collective false claim that Israel bombed the Gaza hospital and that 500 died.  It was covered well on AT.  Drew Holden and Thaleigha Rampersad at the Washington Free Beacon supplie...

  • October 18, 2023

    Hollow the Science

    Science today is no different than any other subject area. It’s no longer about research; it’s all about narrative and agenda.  “Follow the Science” is really “Hollow the Science” until all that remains i...

  • September 27, 2023

    How safe is getting a COVID booster and a flu vaccine simultaneously?

    The Kansas City Chiefs’ Travis Kelce is arguably the best tight end in the NFL.  Recently, he appeared in a commercial sponsored by Pfizer and aired during NFL games promoting getting a COVID booster and a flu vaccine simultaneously, showi...

  • September 21, 2023

    Did the CIA Offer Bribes to its own Analysts Regarding COVID?

    On September 12 we learned of highly credible whistleblower testimony from a senior CIA employee to staff of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the CIA offered “sign...

  • September 9, 2023

    An idea for how to give the NFL the Bud Light treatment

    If you're like me, you've never forgiven the NFL players for dissing the National Anthem by kneeling during it before games. If you're like me, you've never forgiven the NFL for letting the players do it while on the job. ...

  • September 8, 2023

    Yet another major Fauci misstatement, this time on silent spreaders

    Over the years, some have maintained a running count of Anthony Fauci’s misstatements, which include both mistakes and apparent lies.  It’s often hard to distinguish between the two, some having to wait until his emails are released ...

  • September 1, 2023

    It's all Greek to Whitmer

    Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer's administration is at it again, the latest shenanigans a worthy addition to Whitmer's stellar performance on COVID (brutal lockdowns except for herself and family and sending infected seniors back ...

  • August 24, 2023

    Chess federation puts transgenders in check

    There has been a long-running debate on why the top female chess players lag behind the top male chess players.  The highest chess rating ever achieved by a female was that of Hungarian Judit Polgar, with a rating of 2735 in 2005, compared ...

  • August 21, 2023

    You'll never guess where resistance to woke math is coming from

    The push for woke math is getting stronger.  Everyone knows about "A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction," the formal program of the Oregon Department of Education which allows 2 + 2 = 5 because demanding the correct answer is r...

  • August 19, 2023

    Can your doctor now prescribe ivermectin?

    In the midst of a legal appeal by three doctors (Paul Marik of Virginia, Mary Bowden of Texas, and Robert Apter of Arizona) claiming FDA interference in their medical practice being disciplined for prescribing ivermectin to their patients for COVID-1...

  • August 15, 2023

    More on Trump, his doctors, and remdesivir

    There seems to be some lingering confusion on the internet as to whether President Trump as a COVID inpatient received a monoclonal antibodies treatment (Regeneron) or remdesivir.  (While usage varies, I use a small “r” since remdesi...

  • August 9, 2023

    Did President Trump’s Doctors Needlessly Risk His Life With Remdesivir?

    It is a travesty that pharmaceutical giant Gilead’s drug remdesivir (brand name VEKLURY®) ended up on the COVID-19 inpatient treatment protocol when a previous trial for Ebola revealed alarming toxicity and death rates, and the COVID-19 tri...

  • August 5, 2023

    A Reckoning on COVID Coverage

    From the very beginning of the COVID epidemic, it was difficult to take any CDC recommendation seriously when overnight it chucked its own coronavirus handbook, which said that masks are not recommended against coronaviruses because the coronavirus p...

  • August 3, 2023

    Secret agents, J6, and Whitmer's kidnapping plot

    In the 1966 Get Smart episode “Double Agent,” Max goes undercover and infiltrates a KAOS cell plotting to knock out the Pentagon.  It turns out that every member of the cell himself was an undercover agent (CIA, Naval Intelligence, F...

  • August 2, 2023

    Where woke math goes to die

    The Mathematical Association of America, founded in 1915 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is one of the most prominent math societies in the country. The MAA focuses on math education and research at the undergraduate level and higher, and its ...