W. Bruce DelValle

W. Bruce DelValle

  • October 19, 2022

    Do Russian Sanctions Work?

    There is a life-or-death debate going on whether Western sanctions are effective to pressure Russia to stop its offensive in Ukraine. The sanctions imposed are tough, yet there are holes that give Russia breathing room and lessens the economic pain o...

  • August 11, 2020

    In the Empire of Labor, Justice Cannot Abide

    In the dwindling days of the Obama administration, literally hours before President Trump was sworn in, the Obama Department of Labor (DoL) breathlessly raced to  file a barrage of administrative enforcement actions against federal contractors i...

  • March 28, 2020

    Worker’s Paradise, Department of Labor Style

    The Department of Labor (“DOL”) has sued several tech companies, including tech giants like Oracle America, Inc., for alleged gender discrimination in pay. These alleged pay disparities are explained by a wide number of non-discriminatory...

  • January 16, 2020

    Torquemada Reborn: The Swamp's Dept. of Labor Inquisitions

    During the turbulent tenure of former Secretary Alex Acosta, a Jeffrey Epstein apologist and Billionaire Democratic Party donor enabler, the Department of Labor (DOL), through the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), acted to furth...

  • December 10, 2019

    Impeachment and the Confrontation Clause

    Beware of those who promise to secure rights by denying them. The clamoring likes of Rep. Andrew Schiff, Conservative Review's Andrew C. McCarthy, the Washington Post's Deanna Paul, Professor Steve Vladeck, and others s...

  • June 28, 2019

    Breaking the Space Monopoly

    After over a decade of delays and rancorous internal name-calling by prominent members of Congress on the Senate floor and in Committee, Congress has finally spoken with one voice in its determination to end Russian control of America’s space p...

  • February 16, 2019

    Update: Nigeria delays presidential election today: Terrorism, death threats, and Africa's largest country at the brink

    Update from AP: Nigerians awakened on Saturday to find the presidential election delayed a week until Feb. 23 because of what the electoral commission called unspecified "challenges." The top candidates condemned the decision a...

  • September 28, 2018

    Why Would the Pentagon Give Amazon SJWs the Keys to the Kingdom?

    Our men and women in uniform need all the tools we can give them.  It is the expected exchange from us to those who are willing to give that last full measure of devotion to preserve our nation. But being in favor of military spending do...

  • April 15, 2018

    How Much of Our Liberty Will SCOTUS Take Away in the Microsoft Case?

    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," a phrase coined by Bert Lance, the much maligned director of the Office of Management and Budget for the equally slandered Carter administration, has become a mantra for well advised inaction since...

  • June 22, 2017

    Digital Liberty in the Cloud Computing Era

    The recent decision by the United States Second Court of Appeals in the case of Matter of Warrant to Search a Certain E–Mail Account Controlled & Maintained by Microsoft Corp., 829 F.3d 197 (2d Cir. 2016) (hereinafter "Microsoft case...