Victor Fernandez

Victor Fernandez

  • Tensions Increase as the World Health Assembly Convenes

    May 27, 2024

    Tensions Increase as the World Health Assembly Convenes

    On Monday, May 27 (our Memorial Day), the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly (WHA) will meet and begin the process of approving the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). M...

  • Florida to Consider Legalization of Marijuana Amidst Alarming Evidence of Harm

    April 16, 2024

    Florida to Consider Legalization of Marijuana Amidst Alarming Evidence of Harm

    On April 1st, The Florida Supreme Court announced that a proposed constitutional amendment (Initiative #22-05) to legalize marijuana’s recreational use will appear on November ballots (South Dakotans will also see it). 60% of voters h...

  • French government prepared to arrest those who reject 'medical knowledge'

    February 20, 2024

    French government prepared to arrest those who reject 'medical knowledge'

    After some deliberations, on February 14 the French government and National Assembly managed to pass a bill that includes an Article 4 that essentially creates a new crime of “provocation to abstention from medical care.”...

  • January 12, 2024

    Compelling Speech and Behavior at a Math and Science School

    Identity politics and its trusted handmaiden of DEI continue to lay siege to our institutions, this time capturing an elite math/science high school. Students at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) staged a sit-in protest on Decemb...

  • December 14, 2023

    Twitter/X Community Notes gets an 'F' on autism studies

    The Highwire posted a video on Twitter during the Thanksgiving holiday of a presentation given in Memphis, Tennessee, this past summer entitled, “Vaccine Experts Under Oath: Shocking Revelations in the Fight for Transparency and Truth...

  • November 17, 2023

    And Now, a Few Words from Election ’24

    Do you see me? We haven’t met yet, but we will. With all of the recent tyrannical, institutional captures in America as a result of the unfair abuse of my dear friend Election ’20, I am deeply concerned. What if limited government a...

  • October 22, 2023

    The COVID vaccine injury compensation program is a kangaroo court

    Imagine being a healthy 18-year-old high school senior with deep-seated goals and aspirations and having those goals seriously altered after a COVID gene-therapy injection.   Imagine experiencing intermittent nausea, increased heart...

  • September 30, 2023

    The UN Pandemic Declaration Approval is a Testament to the Aversion of Evidence

    Robert Louis Stevenson in New Arabian Nights wrote the famous line, “I regard you with an indifference closely bordering on aversion.”  When it comes to the paradoxical relationship between the plans and actions of the United Nations...

  • September 14, 2023

    Medical Tyranny and the Weapon of Disbelief

    We have heard from medical authorities like the CDC, FDA, NIH, and HHS that Covid mRNA vaccines are safe and effective; yet there are others explaining that they are very dangerous insofar as they have produced cardiac complication issues like myocar...

  • August 26, 2023

    A Renowned Vaccinologist and the Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials That Weren’t

    What do you think of when you hear “placebo-controlled clinical trial?” Most people familiar with the term will understand it to be the standard way many drugs are tested in order to determine efficacy and safety before they are licens...

  • July 27, 2023

    The Suppression of Discussion Continues to Degrade Science

    One of the primary aims of science, as it is ideally understood in high schools and universities, is to lift us from ignorance.  It generally advances by utilizing the tools of reason and the critical evaluation of evidence to make explicit ...

  • July 15, 2023

    Why Vaccines are Treated Differently from Other Products

    How does a car, home electrical appliance, or computer manufacturer typically assure the safety of its products?  Well, they typically engage in some form of self-regulation.  Companies competing with each other are inte...

  • February 17, 2022

    How Vaccine Mandates Subvert Personal Integrity

    Usually, we live our daily lives not having to make immobilizing decisions that sever aspects of who we are in any fundamental way.  Typically, we wake up, have something to eat, go to work, handle occupational challenges presented to us an...