Victor Sharpe and Robert Vincent

Victor Sharpe and Robert Vincent

  • September 21, 2016

    Scary Thoughts or Scary Realities?

    If Hillary Clinton should enter the Oval Office as president, just think what will happen to the Supreme Court and America for generations. Right now, the balance of the Court is evenly divided between those whose thoughts lean closer to...

  • May 15, 2016

    Obama's Animus toward Israel May Lead to War

    Will the looming conclusion of the Obama presidency lead him to engineer an all-out war by Iran's terror surrogates, Hamas and Hezb'allah, against the embattled Jewish state?  Will that war conveniently occur in December 2016, as Obama s...

  • April 9, 2016

    Obama's Willing Executioners in the Media

    Some of the most disturbing aspects of the times in which we are living include the utter corruption of the mass print and broadcast media and the lack of awareness of this fact by a large portion of the public. It seems that most Americans operat...