Twilight Patriot

Twilight Patriot

  • JD Vance Asks: What Has Europe Become?

    February 22, 2025

    JD Vance Asks: What Has Europe Become?

    Since I am not a full-time political commentator (I still have to work with my hands during the daytime), I wasn’t able to react to J.D. Vance’s recent remarks in Munich as quickly as I would have liked.  Still, what the new vic...

  • The 12-Team College Football Playoff Is Absurd

    February 1, 2025

    The 12-Team College Football Playoff Is Absurd

    In the flurry of news items coming out of the presidential inauguration, one of them stands out for its uniqueness: J.D. Vance’s complaint, a few days before being sworn in as vice president, that he would prefer to have spent the evening of Ja...

  • ‘Follow the Science’...Back to Christendom

    January 15, 2025

    ‘Follow the Science’...Back to Christendom

    Most Americans and Europeans are well aware that they belong to a culture that has long been shaped by its love of science and engineering.  But ask them what era in our history that technological impulse can be traced to, and I suppose tha...

  • Romania and the Iranization of the West

    December 23, 2024

    Romania and the Iranization of the West

    If you want to understand the hypocrisy of globalist leftism, there is perhaps no better example than the vastly different media responses to recent events in South Korea and Romania. The failed coup in South Korea got a lot of attention. ...

  • More to C.S. Lewis than Narnia

    November 28, 2024

    More to C.S. Lewis than Narnia

    C.S. Lewis was a prolific writer. People who are aware of only his seven Narnia stories — the ones where he fits as much Christian theology as he can into allegories for children — are overlooking a lot.  From the nihilistic poe...

  • Identity Politics Blows Up in the Democrats’ Face

    November 18, 2024

    Identity Politics Blows Up in the Democrats’ Face

    Some years ago, a university that I once attended decided to promote new orchestral music by premiering three original compositions at three successive years’ end concerts.  (The main items on the programs were works by Mahler, Mozart...

  • Our Third-World Future

    October 28, 2024

    Our Third-World Future

    On October 30 of this year, Botswana will hold its 13th set of general elections. The Republic of Botswana rarely makes international news.  With only 2.6 million inhabitants, this southern African country ranks between Mississippi and N...

  • Democrats Embracing ‘Democracy’ is a Last Resort

    September 18, 2024

    Democrats Embracing ‘Democracy’ is a Last Resort

    If you’ve been following the antics of the leftward half of America’s political class, then you’ll notice pretty quickly that, ever since Kamala Harris got nominated for president, an upbeat mood has prevailed.  To the lef...

  • Do Pro-Lifers Care About Actions or Words?

    September 11, 2024

    Do Pro-Lifers Care About Actions or Words?

    In this year’s election cycle, a great number of news stories have popped up about how Donald Trump has betrayed the pro-life movement.  Apparently, some people on the religious right have even said that they won’t vote for him ...

  • Maybe Tim Walz Is a Moderate, but It Doesn’t Matter

    August 14, 2024

    Maybe Tim Walz Is a Moderate, but It Doesn’t Matter

    A few days ago, Kamala Harris announced Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as her party’s nominee for vice president.  At once, the leftward end of the internet exploded with praise for Walz, as people from all over said that with the Wal...

  • Absolute Immunity Is Nothing New

    May 23, 2024

    Absolute Immunity Is Nothing New

    Even as Donald Trump’s ongoing hush money trial eats up most of the former president’s media attention, America’s nine Supreme Court justices are quietly making up their minds about how to rule in what’s probably a much more i...

  • The ‘Can We?’ and the ‘Should We?’ of Science

    March 8, 2024

    The ‘Can We?’ and the ‘Should We?’ of Science

    The remarkable journey of the COVID-19 virus — from bat caves in Laos to freezers in Wuhan, through test tubes and gene-editing machines and “humanized mice,” and finally out into the rest of the world and through your lungs and min...

  • What Is Congress For?

    February 15, 2024

    What Is Congress For?

    As I write this, Washington DC is dealing with the fallout of two events in which two different groups of people had to answer the question: what is Congress for? One of these events came on February 8, when the Supreme Court heard oral arguments ...

  • August 23, 2023

    Making Racism Cool Again

    In the secular hamartiology that elite leftists have built for themselves, racism is both the original sin and the unpardonable sin. It is the original sin, because the United States (and British Empire, Spanish Empire, etc.) were founded on it....

  • August 15, 2023

    Clarence Thomas Gets It

    Ever since the end of June, Americans in the media have been chattering about the implications of the Supreme Court ruling in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard.  This case, in which several Asian-American students sued the university ...

  • August 3, 2023

    A Failed Bismarck and His Barbarians

    Vladimir Putin is not a great statesman.  His admirers don't want to admit this.  But the last 17 months of war have made it hard to keep up the illusion. There are a lot of Americans who are happy about the ineptitude of R...

  • May 31, 2023

    What the 'Pig Case' Says about the Supreme Court

    On 11 May, the U.S. Supreme Court decided National Pork Producers' Council v. Ross, in which the justices ruled by a 5-4 margin that California's Proposition 12, approved by voters in 2018, is constitutional.  Proposition 12 banned ...

  • May 5, 2023

    The Fantasy of AI Alignment

    In an age when the failures of America's political class — from COVID to inflation to the Mexican border to the war in Ukraine — are getting harder and harder to ignore, a lot of the wealthy, educated, tech-savvy people who consider t...

  • March 18, 2023

    When Not to Trust the Experts

    Gain-of-function research should continue.  Such is the opinion of the Biden White House, as explained in this press conference at the end of February.  It is "important to help prevent future pandemics," says communicat...

  • February 28, 2023

    Joe Biden's Love-Hate Relationship with Oil

    On the last Friday of January, the Republican House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at curtailing the president's ability to exploit the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for partisan ends.  If enacted, the bill would require that, exc...

  • July 4, 2022

    How Trump Succeeded Where Reagan Failed

    Question: Before Donald Trump, who was the last Republican president who didn't appoint at least one pro-choice Supreme Court justice? Answer: Herbert Hoover. This article will mainly be about how Donald Trump broke an almost-50-year trend ...

  • November 20, 2021

    How Long before Mexican Cartels Set Up Their Own States in the USA?

    A few days ago, The Daily Caller released its first investigative documentary: Cartelville USA.  The film is short — only 36 minutes — and you can watch it here with a subscription or free trial.  There is also an interview on t...

  • October 28, 2021

    Why I Fear Chinese Dominance

    From 1945 to the present day, the United States has been the world's dominant power, militarily, economically, and culturally.  But a lot of people realize that this is changing, and soon, China will probably be the dominant power. P...

  • October 7, 2021

    People Notice When the Elites Lie

    I'm going to try to explain what's going on in America right now by drawing a connection between two news stories.  On the surface, they don't seem to have much to do with each other, but when you really think about them, it...

  • September 28, 2021

    Covid Lockdown, Third-World Edition

    Affluent westerners are so taken with the way their lockdowns are “saving lives,” that they ignore completely the costs those lockdowns impose on those less wealthy than they are. In America, these policies have been an economic hardship ...