Trish Randall

Trish Randall

  • There’s Big Money in Withholding Pain Relief

    February 27, 2025

    There’s Big Money in Withholding Pain Relief

    Pain is the most common reason for seeking medical care.  Although pain is experienced only by individuals, under federal policy, pain is a public health challenge, even a global health priority.  In a way, this isn’t surpri...

  • The CDC’s Big Mistake

    February 8, 2025

    The CDC’s Big Mistake

    President Trump’s first week in office included an order suspending all CDC, HHS, and NIH communications: regulations, announcements, reports, advisories, updates, and online posts.  This aligns with pruning federal bureaucracy. ...

  • Leftists blaze new trails in making voting so, so, accessible

    August 3, 2024

    Leftists blaze new trails in making voting so, so, accessible

    I live in cutting-edge Washington State, where we are at the tippy-tip of the spear when it comes to innovations in ballot-collecting procedures — I mean maximizing accessibility of voting for persons who choose to vote.  The old walk...

  • Why Reliable Opioid Death Data is Impossible

    July 31, 2024

    Why Reliable Opioid Death Data is Impossible

    If we’ve learned anything from our national COVID experience, it’s that science is not a collection of fixed, eternal declarations. Tools and terminology useful in the process of discovery can also be instruments of confirmation. A micros...

  • November 6, 2023

    What if Woke Movies Are Just Bad?

    The story so far: Executives, performers, and writers in movie, TV, video game, and comic book companies are under siege.  Efforts to include diverse, marginalized, minority characters and social justice story elements in pop culture have b...

  • September 2, 2023

    Who is the Fairest Girl Boss of All?

    Once upon a time, Walt Disney’s adaptations of fairy tales were known for being more upbeat and less dark than the source materials. In Disney’s Cinderella, the stepsisters didn’t slice off their own toes and flesh from their heels ...

  • August 1, 2023

    Why do Environmental Activists Intentionally Inconvenience the Public?

    Environmental, climate, and vegan activists make their headlines by interrupting the public’s movement and events. Lately, activists are gluing themselves to UK, European, and Australian pedestrian crossings, roads, and runways. On Piers Mor...

  • July 22, 2023

    Meet the Threat that No One Saw Coming

    Have you ever tried to warn people about something, only to be told repeatedly that there's nothing to worry about?  That you are not a serious adult for even broaching such issues?  Ever wonder how things would have gone if p...

  • June 23, 2023

    It’s Not The 50-50 Country that the Woke Want Us to Think It Is

    The radical left are desperate that we all believe two things. They want us all to believe America is divided — half woke, half not. It’s why Anderson Cooper  called Trump supporters, “…that audience that upset you, t...

  • June 21, 2023

    Reading Body Language: The New Phrenology?

    The best method yet devised for detecting spoken untruth is comparing suspicious claims to physical evidence. Attempts to distinguish truth from lies by observation of movements of face or body, administration of drugs, or measuring a few physiologic...

  • June 16, 2023

    Meghan & Harry: No reason for concern?

    We can all agree (meaning all Americans, including the Heritage Foundation) that attention to the bits of fluff and beefcake that populate Hollywood is a waste of time.  Outside their job of entertaining us, there's no reason to observe...

  • June 13, 2023

    Making Meghan Markle make sense

    Since Halloween 2016, Meghan Markle has received lots of attention. Much came with her boyfriend, and later husband, Prince Harry (and his place in the British line of succession).  Some was generated by the Sussex Squad, a small, dedica...

  • June 12, 2023

    A Gender Dysphoria Thought Experiment

    In a recent essay, I explored longstanding dissatisfaction about a bodily fact.  I'm happy being a woman, so I focused on a bodily fact that I've never been happy about.  My "persistent, insistent, consistent" de...

  • June 6, 2023

    What We Want but Can Never Have

    As a human, I have done quite a bit of pondering about the idea that gender dysphoria is unique among the experiences that are known collectively as the human condition. In a recent episode of the show “I am Jazz,” this dysphoria is chara...

  • May 14, 2023

    It Can't Be Just Women Who Fight the Trans Movement

    The first thing we need to get straight is what separates conservatives, Americans, and patriots from Marxists, feminists, and trans activists.  For all of our history, the vast majority of Americans wholeheartedly rejected the idea of coll...

  • May 9, 2023

    We’ve Forgotten What Woman is -- and Isn’t

    The 2016 women’s marches were a massive, crude homage to women’s anatomy, with costumes, posters, and slogans. Home knitting of the de rigueur hats representing a bawdy word for female organs led to nationwide shortages of pink yarn....

  • April 30, 2023

    Feminism's Strange Trans Fruit

    After over a century of determined Marxist infiltration, our culture, our future, and our nation are at stake.  It's the kind of time for which the slogans "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and "all hands on deck"...

  • April 28, 2023

    SOS: Women need Men’s Help to Save Us from Transsexuals

    Trans activists and their allies (nicknamed handmaids), have been accelerating the male/trans invasion of women’s spaces, sports, and social positions, inserting degrading displays into children’s education and entertainment, and declarin...

  • March 3, 2023

    Matt Walsh draws wokester criticism for blunt remarks on trans 'influencer'

    "I'd rather be rude than a liar." —Magdalen Berns Recently, a short video by conservative political commentator Matt Walsh has inspired numerous videos, the kind of content sequence that is often minor internet dr...

  • January 26, 2023

    Steven Crowder versus Big Conservative Media?

    With his January 17, 2023 video "It's time to stop," Steven Crowder, host and owner of the biggest conservative channel on YouTube, an equally impressive channel on Rumble, and the website Louder with Crowder, spent 28 minutes airing hi...

  • January 13, 2023

    The Sussex Security Saga: Now there's real danger

    I was studying in London when the queen faced two security breaches. A man smelling of smoke broke into her bedroom.  Thinking quickly, she requested that cigarettes be brought to her. At that spring's Trooping the Color, a man fi...

  • December 25, 2022

    How the FBI Used Twitter to Lie to You

    The FBI we know is a creation of Hollywood. From the beginning, J. Edgar Hoover sought to insert the bureau into movies and TV shows, to portray the agency as grounded in American values, and special agents as righteous competence personified. Even o...

  • December 2, 2022

    Taking Offense is Permitted

    An event honoring domestic violence charities, hosted at Buckingham Palace by Queen Consort Camilla made international news. The attention wasn’t focused on the good work of the attendees, but on an allegedly racist questions asked by a palace ...

  • September 5, 2022

    American Sam Harris fails to understand American principles

    Recently, internet activity drew my attention to Sam Harris.  The last I'd noticed him, to my enjoyment, his criticizing Islam had thrust Ben Affleck into demented Islamophobiaphobia. Francis Foster and Konstantin Kisin posted their...

  • August 6, 2022

    Oppressive Beauty Standards?

    In woke ideology, the strongest evidence of a community’s oppression is the personal recitation of lived experience. Among an individual’s experiences, what could be more intimately felt than what one chooses to wear? A frequently clai...

  • July 29, 2022

    Regaining Female Powers

    One tragic wrong turn in American culture was feminists framing political activism as the only form of power, and employment as the one path to achievement. But, as feminism was insidiously inflicting its vision in our society, nobody, including femi...

  • July 8, 2022

    SCOTUS 2022: What If They Went All the Way?

    June 2022’s Supreme Court decisions are embedded with the same reasoning, common law, traditions and precedents written into our Constitution as our nation’s operating system. That logic-and-evidence combo is the kind of tool kit usef...

  • June 25, 2022

    Eliminating Women's Work

    As a little girl, I loved the idea of flying a plane.  More than that, I loved the idea of calling myself an aviatrix.  It sounded so cool — at least as cool as being able to fly solo. During my lifetime, many words for f...

  • June 22, 2022

    Trans Suicide Is Not a Response to Bigotry

    The first social contagion recognized in Western culture, if dimly, was the Werther Effect.  The name came from the title character in Johan Wolfgang von Goethe's 1774 novel of unrequited love and suicide, The Sorrows of Young Werther....

  • April 7, 2022

    Trans Activism Disproves Patriarchy

    In the space of only a few years, trans activists have had a visibly disruptive effect on our society. If their claims were true — gender isn’t binary, people can be born in the “wrong” body (more like a body with the wrong se...

  • April 2, 2022

    Jada Pinkett Smith's Brief Moment as the Most Powerful Woman in Hollywood

    The stage set was overwhelmingly dark, an orange glow at the bottom, with pale, curved, upright lines.  It made me think of Jonah and the Whale. It looked nothing like celebration, glamor or achievement.  It was just darkness, hea...

  • March 21, 2022

    Why we should all care that 'Yankee Wally' was yanked off You Tube

    This week, a small YouTube channel with 47,000 subscribers, Yankee Wally, disappeared.  Several years of videos are gone.  Most people, most readers here, probably never heard of this channel.  But this should concern us...

  • December 22, 2021

    The drug war might be the perfect no-win scenario

    For reducing illicit drug use, violence, or property crime, drug prohibition has been as unsuccessful as alcohol prohibition was for initiating Utopia.  But as a method for propagating bureaucracy, it's been wildly successful. Albert...

  • December 21, 2021

    A horde of social workers won't fix our crime problem

    In 2020, U.S. political figures began to propose reassigning some — or all — police responsibilities and resources to social workers.  This was presented as if it were a brand new idea, not one floated since the concept of socia...

  • November 29, 2021

    Thoroughly modern Cinderella?

    Once upon a time, in a country ruled not by king or queen, there began to grow a suspicion of malign influences on the young girls of the land. It was the era of the Bechdel Test, wherein the worth of a story was measured by how much time female c...

  • November 16, 2021

    How Many Zombie Agencies Does Government Need?

    How many federal agencies do we pay for?  I bet you think, as I once did, that a quick internet search would tell.  But researching for an essay a couple of years ago, I found numbers varying from 78 to 158, and websites saying the exact nu...

  • November 4, 2021

    Prohibition Was Always a Progressive Experiment

    Perhaps the most impressive feat of political misdirection by American progressives, rivaling the apocryphal Democrat/Republican “great flip,” was characterizing drug prohibition as a conservative project.  It’s superficially l...

  • October 22, 2021

    Cruel and Unusual Pain Treatment

    America's drug regulations rest on long-familiar, syllogism-like tendrils.  Drugs are dangerous.  Users can harm others.  Laws target those who hurt people.  Even if the drug war can't be won, punishing...