T.R. Clancy

T.R. Clancy

  • Shepherds of the Church: Why the Double Standard?

    February 25, 2025

    Shepherds of the Church: Why the Double Standard?

    Within days of Donald Trump’s November landslide, Bishop Mark Seitz, head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ migration committee, warned that Their Eminences were preparing to “’raise our voice loudly’...

  • December 15, 2023

    Feds to CAIR: ‘We Just Can’t Quit You’

    Last week, the Biden administration discontinued working with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), on a national strategy to combat anti-Semitism. Reports surfaced that CAIR executive director, Nihad Awad, told a pro-Palestine gatheri...

  • October 25, 2023

    ‘Free Palestine’ Is the New ‘Sieg Heil’

    The United Nations General Assembly, under the leadership of the United States, “enshrine[d] the ‘lessons’ of the Holocaust” in the 1948 Genocide Convention, banning genocide as a crime under international law.  The ...

  • August 3, 2023

    There's Nothing Un-American About Protecting Your Kids

    As the theme of this year's Pride Month — "We're coming for your children" — echoes, more and more parents are speaking out against their kids' exposure to divisive Critical Race Theory, pornographic materials in sch...

  • February 25, 2023

    Gun Law and the MSU Shooting

    The horrific shooting at Michigan State University last Monday, which left three students dead and five seriously wounded, was met with understandable grief and anger across the political divide.  The suspected shooter, Anthony McRae, killed him...

  • December 16, 2022

    A Michigan Church Defends its Religious Liberty

    A Catholic parish in St. John’s, Michigan has filed a federal civil-rights lawsuit against the state, claiming the parish’s religious liberty is imperiled by a new interpretation of the state’s comprehensive civil-rights statute, re...

  • July 19, 2022

    Necromancers: Leftists in power conspire to bring Roe v. Wade back from the dead

    Can wicked rulers be allied with thee, who frame mischief by statute? They band together against the righteous, and condemn the innocent to death. —Psalm 94:20, 21 Last week, just back from Italy, and taking Communion from Pope Fra...

  • April 18, 2022

    Michigan's AG Refuses to Enforce Laws She Doesn't Like

    In anticipation of a possible U.S. Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer and the state's radical attorney general, Democrat Dana Nessel, have launched a pre-emptive two-pronged attack on the existing state law ...

  • March 16, 2022

    Whose Democracy Is This, Anyway?

    Democrats have been insisting that “our democracy is under attack” ever since Donald Trump’s upset election in 2016.  According to First Things editor R.R. Reno in his lengthy commentary in this month’s issue, this ...

  • November 22, 2021

    Why The Left Keeps Talking About Kyle Rittenhouse Crossing A State Line

    It seems the Left cares about borders after all, depending on the border and who crossed it. Consider Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial and how the continuing progressive slanders about white supremacism and murder always include the unspeakable fact...

  • November 11, 2021

    Biden Is Waging Total War against American Energy

    Energy secretary Jennifer Granholm, the laughing face of Joe Biden's not-so-funny energy policy, told CNN's Dana Bash on Sunday that Americans' home-heating costs are going up this winter.  Interviewed on Bloomberg Radio a few d...

  • October 18, 2021

    The #NeverTrumpers Dig In

    Ever since I joined the public conversation as a conservative writer, I’ve been called a fascist and a Nazi by smug, liberal know-nothings, sublimely confident of the truth of their ill-informed prejudices. So wrote Jonah Goldberg, in re...

  • June 9, 2021

    Biden's Jan. 6 Narrative Just Got Even More Ridiculous

    Federal prosecutors are saying the unrest on January 6 resulted in "approximately $1,495,326.55 damage to the United States Capitol."  The figure was disclosed last week in a plea agreement with one of the January 6 defendants. ...

  • January 26, 2021

    Biden's False Catholicism

    The head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has publicly reminded the new President Biden that policies he’s pledged to “in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, gender ‘would advance moral evils and threa...

  • January 12, 2021

    Huxley's Warning: Totalitarianism in the 21st Century

    In the foreword to the 1946 edition of his novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley anticipated the continued emergence, perhaps in novel forms, of statist totalitarianism: There is, of course, no reason why the new totalitarianisms should resemble...

  • January 7, 2021

    Discouraged Americans Should Take Heart from Brexit

    If things don't change between now and Inauguration Day, the 2020 election will go down as a historic loss for democracy. But on New Year's Eve, across the Atlantic, democracy just had a historic win.  That's the day Great Br...

  • November 30, 2020

    The True Source of Catholic Democratic Confusion

    Townhall reports that Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has formed a working group of bishops expressly “to navigate challenges posed by a Biden administration....

  • November 1, 2020

    After weeks of slander over the kidnap plot, Governor Whitmer owes us a big apology

    Should Michigan's Trump-supporters hold their breath waiting for an apology from Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who's blamed us all for the hare-brained plot to kidnap her?  It would be one way to guarantee a blue state for Election Day...

  • October 30, 2020

    Baseless hypocrisy: Left demands Amy Barrett recuse herself in Pennsylvania voting case

    To the surprise of absolutely no one, the left is now clamoring for newly confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett to recuse herself from the Pennsylvania election law case.  On Tuesday, the Board of Elections for Luzerne County, Pennsylvania fi...

  • October 7, 2020

    For calling BLM's bluff, Trump hails Detroit's police chief as 'terrific'

    As noted here recently, Detroit has been the unlikely exception to Democrat-run cities being torn up by BLM and Antifa violence.  President Trump has noticed it, too, and he knows who gets the credit.  "You have a great polic...

  • September 23, 2020

    Nancy Pelosi and the Party of 'Science, Science, Science'

    It should come as no surprise that "ardent Catholic" Nancy Pelosi is once again at odds with a bishop.  This time, the disagreement is with her local shepherd, archbishop of San Francisco Salvatore Joseph Cordileone.  Th...

  • September 14, 2020

    How Detroit's Police Chief Saved His City from Black Lives Matter

        Detroit Will Breathe, the Motor City's BLM franchisee, won a hollow victory last week when a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order that bars Detroit police from using certain non-lethal tactics on "...

  • August 24, 2020

    BLM drops the intersectional mask

    Marquise Lee Love, BLM protester who kicked a defenseless Adam Haner into unconsciousness in downtown Portland last Sunday, turned himself in to the Portland police Friday after evading arrest all week.  "Keese," as he c...

  • August 4, 2020

    No, a Michigan teenager was not jailed for not doing her homework

    It's a crowded field of nominees for this year's Michael Brown Hands Up Don't Shoot Award, but the pitiful tale of the Michigan teenager thrown in jail for being black and not doing her homework at least deserves an honorable mention. ...

  • July 31, 2020

    The Riots in Portland Started in Public School

    Think of the rioting in Portland as our national Graduation Party.  The kids got permission to have an open house, and now it's all gotten out of hand.  (Except when a traditional open house get out of hand, the police still s...

  • June 18, 2020

    Are We Headed into Year Zero?

    In TV's The Man in the High Castle, which presents an alternative 1963 America occupied by victorious Axis powers, Nicole Dormer, the Lebensborn siren dispatched to Nazi America to shoot propaganda films à la Leni Riefenstahl, announces to...

  • May 12, 2020

    When facts are stubborn things, the left just tell more stubborn lies

    The long overdue cracking of the conspiracy to frame President Trump's national security adviser has the left wailing.  It was a "'black day in D.O.J. history'" when Michael Flynn was no longer going to prison....

  • March 5, 2020

    Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act Won't Hide the Real Threat to Black Lives

    Last week, the House of Representatives passed the "Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act," which designates lynching a federal hate crime,"[s]ixty-five years after 14-year-old Emmett Till was lynched in Mississippi."  The vote ...

  • February 13, 2020

    Something 'triggered' Rashida Tlaib at SOTU, but she's not sure what

    Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's snowflake side came out last Tuesday, when she was forced to flee the president's State of the Union address at the sound of Justice Brett Kavanaugh's name.   Fortunately, Tlaib managed ...

  • February 4, 2020

    The Progressives Run from Free Speech

    Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, who has a plan for everything, just announced “an alarming new plan to punish companies that knowingly disseminate ‘disinformation’ online,” writes David Harsanyi.  She’s dem...

  • January 23, 2020

    The Disturbing Dismissal of the Kiddies' Climate Lawsuit

    On a 2-1 vote, the Ninth Circuit Court finally dismissed Juliana v. United States, the lawsuit brought on behalf of child plaintiffs demanding their constitutional right to "a climate system capable of sustaining human life."  The...

  • December 23, 2019

    Why Mainstream Critics Are Panning Clint Eastwood's Latest Film

    Not every mainstream movie critic hates Clint Eastwood's highly affecting Richard Jewell.  But the critics who hate it hate it an awful lot.  The story of how an out-of-control FBI and a "completely irresponsible press...

  • December 8, 2019

    Veteran Spy Novelist John Le Carré Takes On Brexit in His Latest

    The foremost spy novelist in English, John Le Carré, (nom de plume for David Cornwell), is still writing at 88, and this time he's using his brisk dialogue and careful plotting to remark on current events, chiefly "the sheer bloody lu...

  • November 1, 2019

    WaPo Baghdadi obit not the only jihad-covering doozy from mainstream media

    Speaking of the deaths of austere religious scholars, the Detroit Free Press published a ten-year anniversary tribute to the late Imam Luqman Abdullah, an outspoken jihadist who died a violent death during an FBI raid in Dearborn on October 28, 2009....

  • October 6, 2019

    Nancy Pelosi's Prayers

    An ardent, prayerful, and moral Nancy Pelosi has been called from sitting for her holy-card portrait to lend her aid in getting the president impeached — and the nation torn apart in the process. She's been on TV constantly, lecturing Am...

  • October 1, 2019

    Michigan Anti-Christian Adoption Policy Shot Down

    U.S. District Judge Robert J. Yonker has halted implementation of a new policy in Michigan that forces faith-based adoption agencies to choose between violating their beliefs on same-sex marriage or closing their doors.  In his written opinion, ...

  • September 18, 2019

    Mayor Pete Can Explain about Pro-Abortion Jesus

    Democrat Pete Buttigieg's recent defense of unrestricted abortion, suggesting that "a lot" of the scriptures says "life begins with breath," came in for some well deserved ridicule from people who actually own Bibles. ...

  • September 3, 2019

    What Real Religious Hypocrisy Looks Like

    New York Times columnist Timothy Egan unleashed a diatribe against religious conservatives over the weekend, under the inventive headline, “Why People Hate Religion.”  It doesn’t really shed that much light on why anybody ...

  • August 19, 2019

    Fake News About Jewish Support for Rashida Tlaib

    In a textbook case of burying the lede, the Detroit News on Saturday reported that Representative Rashida Tlaib was “surrounded… Friday evening during Shabbat” by Jewish supporters “in the wake of her refusal to visit Israel ...

  • June 26, 2019

    Making LGBT a Protected Class Will Kill Religious Liberty

    The current campaign to amend federal and state civil rights laws to extend protections to sexual orientation and gender identity isn't meant to eliminate discrimination — it's meant to eliminate religious freedom. What else are we t...

  • May 9, 2019

    Children Have to Listen to Fake News, Too, and It's Not Good for Them

    Last month at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, association president Olivier Knox was brooding over the future of the free press after Donald Trump called some of the media "enemies of the people."  Knox said that, a fe...

  • April 30, 2019

    What's all this about 'Jesus the Palestinian'?

    It's funny how an outlandish idea, just out of the blue, is suddenly everywhere. Take this one.  On April 15, Representative Rashida Tlaib was giving an address to the Arab-American Law Student Association at the University of Detroi...

  • April 29, 2019

    Adoption Agencies Can't Be Christian Anymore in Michigan

    One of Michigan's major Christian adoption agencies is reversing its policy against placing children with same-sex couples, thanks to a legal settlement drafted by the ACLU and Michigan's radical attorney general, Dana Nessel.  Beth...

  • April 7, 2019

    Michigan AG's Stasi-Like Speech-Monitoring Scheme Earns a Federal Lawsuit

    It's gratifying to see that the American Freedom Law Center lost no time challenging, in a federal lawsuit, Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel's unconstitutional "hate crimes unit."  As discussed last month, Nessel and ...

  • March 16, 2019

    Michigan's Big Brother Attorney General Will Crack Down Hard on Free Speech

    "Know this: we are watching." Who makes this kind of threat?  Reinhard Heydrich, the notorious SS general and chief of the Gestapo?  KGB head Vladimir Alexandrovich Kryuchkov?  Big Brother? They all ...

  • March 12, 2019

    Democrat stand on anti-Semitism guarantees there'll be more of it

    Like most progressive initiatives, last week's House of Representatives resolution aimed at curbing anti-Semitism is having the opposite effect.  Instead of curbing the misdeeds of the loose-talking Islamist House members who created th...

  • February 13, 2019

    Dearborn Beats Its Breast over Henry Ford's Anti-Semitism, Ignores Islam

    Dearborn, Michigan's local historical commission has adopted a resolution calling on Mayor Jack O'Reilly to reverse his recent firing of the editor of the commission's quarterly magazine, the Dearborn Historian, over the Ja...

  • February 6, 2019

    The War on Michigan's Christian Adoption Agencies Enters a New Phase

    As discussed here last July, Michigan's Christian adoption agencies have been deliberately targeted by the ACLU in a federal lawsuit accusing them of discrimination for declining to place children with same-sex couples on religious...

  • January 28, 2019

    Don't Pretend Drag Queens at Libraries Aren't Promoting Anything to Kids

    Just when you think the left can't behave worse, we find the inspiring story of public library officials in a Detroit suburb heroically defending their "children's story hour hosted by drag queens." Since 2017, the Huntington Woo...

  • January 23, 2019

    The Detroit Free Press's alternative facts about Nathan Phillips

    Much of this past weekend's brouhaha about Covington High School students' alleged racial crimes was based on the reporting (sic) of the Detroit Free Press's Niraj Warikoo, who published an article on Sunday based on his interview with Ph...

  • January 10, 2019

    Has Trump finally met his match?

    Coarse, egotistical, undisciplined, and a disgrace to the dignity of the office: "I think President Trump has met his match," Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib told Detroit WDIV-TV, after calling Trump a "m‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑." Tlaib, th...

  • December 19, 2018

    The Gospel According to Nancy: No Borders, Kill Babies

    Tucker Carlson pointed out a few days ago how the already insufferable leader of the Congressional Democrats has recently been "ordained….an archbishop in the church of progressive sanctimony."  For a while now, Nancy Pelos...

  • December 12, 2018

    Abolish the Senate and Electoral College? Why Not Tear Up the Constitution?

    Former Congressman John Dingell, Jr., a partisan Democrat whose immediate family has controlled the same seat in the House of Representatives for 86 years, has some suggestions for fixing Congress.  We should abolish the Senate and the Elec...

  • November 23, 2018

    Let's Allow Jihadis to Speak for Themselves

    A jury in Flint, Michigan needed only an hour to convict a devout jihadi of terrorism for his June 21, 2017 attack at Flint's Bishop Airport.  It took not much longer than that for the media to lose interest in the story. Tunisian-Canadia...

  • November 9, 2018

    Trump Speaks Truth to Transgenders...Hopefully

    In a press release dated November 1, 56 major companies, including Amazon, IBM, Deutsche Bank, and Dow Chemical, issued a statement of solidarity "with the millions of people in America who identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or intersex...

  • October 30, 2018

    'Future Generations' Sue the USA over Global Warming

    Chief Justice John Roberts ordered a stay recently of a "landmark" trial in the federal lawsuit against the United States and various executive agencies, filed on behalf of 21 children "and future generations."  Juliana ...

  • October 24, 2018

    A Band of Nuns Campaigns against Tax Cuts...and the Unborn

    There's a bus full of Catholic nuns tootling around the country – final destination: Mar-a-Lago and a "Fiesta for the Common Good" – spreading the social justice gospel that individualism is "an unpatriotic lie."...

  • October 14, 2018

    First day at work shows Justice Kavanaugh unfazed by the left's hit job

    As Democrats continue to promise their base they'll somehow manage to impeach the newest justice on the Supreme Court, Justice Kavanaugh's first day on the bench last Tuesday showed a man far from disabled by what the left just put him throug...

  • October 14, 2018

    If Johnny Can't Read, Who's to Blame?

    When a federal court dismissed on June 29 the class-action lawsuit claiming that the State of Michigan had deprived Detroit public schoolchildren of "their right to literacy," the left was all set to react in faux shock.  The cour...

  • October 12, 2018

    If Republicans get complacent post-Kavanaugh, Democrats win

    While better adjusted Americans are catching their breath in the wake of the left's reprehensible attempt to annihilate Brett Kavanaugh, you can bet that the Democrats are hard at work preparing to unleash their next attack.  There'...

  • October 1, 2018

    Queen for a day

    The liberal media are unfairly contrasting the tone of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony with that of Judge Kavanaugh during last Thursday's Judiciary Committee hearing.  They've concluded that because she was nice and he w...

  • September 30, 2018

    In Defense of Brett Kavanaugh's Judicial Temperament

    One of the more exasperating accusations against Brett Kavanaugh going around right now is that his impassioned defense before the Senate Judiciary Committee proves that he lacks a "judicial temperament."  This ludicrous charge ge...

  • September 17, 2018

    Robert Mueller Voted ‘Most Popular’

    Polls reported last week apparently show that Robert Mueller is more popular than Donald Trump.  According to one poll conducted for CNN, the 50% who approve of Mueller’s handling of his collusion investigation “outpaces President Do...

  • September 7, 2018

    No, You Can't Get an 'Amen'

    Last Friday, entertainers, activists, and politicians gathered in a Detroit church to remember Aretha Franklin at a funeral lasting more than eight hours.  Bill Clinton was there along with Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Al Sharpton, Louis...

  • September 3, 2018

    No Congratulations: Liberals Move to Ban Balloons

    You and I in a little toy shop Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got Set them free at the break of dawn 'til one by one, they were gone... According to German pop singer Nena, who sang us this story back in 1983, the fanciful r...

  • August 24, 2018

    Who Watches the Media Watchdogs?

    Somehow, these guys just aren't getting it. Last Thursday, 300-plus newspapers took part in a national cry-in over President Trump's infamous "enemy of the people" statement.  Stung by Trump's daily complaints about...

  • August 12, 2018

    The Day Andrew Cuomo Got Religion

    Who could have predicted back in 1928 that Al Smith's successor as governor of New York would be explaining his advancement of legislation by his "solidarity" with the pope?  Back then, poor Governor Smith was defeated in his ...

  • July 28, 2018

    The Left's War on Christian Adoption Agencies

    The State of Michigan is asking a federal district court to dismiss an ACLU lawsuit seeking to shut down the State's faith-based adoption agencies.  The case, Dumont v. Lyon, was brought on behalf of two same-sex couples who claim they ...

  • July 16, 2018

    Brett Kavanaugh: The End of Leftists' World

    The president's announcement of Brett Kavanaugh as his SCOTUS pick means the faux national emergency over children in cages will be exchanged for the even more faux national emergency over "women's health care."  The mobs ...

  • July 8, 2018

    If Johnny Can't Read, Who's to Blame?

    When a federal court dismissed on June 29 the class-action lawsuit claiming the State of Michigan had deprived Detroit public schoolchildren of “their right to literacy,” the left was all set to react in faux shock.  The court’...

  • February 19, 2012

    The Left's Hatred of Religion

    This HHS controversy has me thinking that our fundamental right of religious liberty has suffered a drastic deflation in value from 1791 until now.  For that matter, how could it be otherwise in a nation where so many Americans despise religion?...