TR Clancy

TR Clancy

  • April 7, 2014

    Justice, Detroit Style

    Let’s get one thing straight: the savage mob attack on a white motorist in Detroit by a dozen or more black men on Wednesday was not a “vigilante style” attack. Yet that’s what Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and City Council Pre...

  • June 14, 2012

    Is There a Woman's Right to Be Born?

    An abortion is a homicide. In order to camouflage this stark, staring reality from the view of civilized, sentient beings made in the image of God, advocates fudge abortion's homicidal nature by emphasizing instead that it's first and foremost a solu...

  • November 1, 2011

    FBI Learning to Disconnect the Dots

    A new campaign has been opened by Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the United States against federal agencies charged with conducting counterterrorism investigations.   The strategic goal is to eradicate completely all references to Islam...

  • October 19, 2011

    Islam Pleads Guilty

    In late 2009, in fulfillment of a religious obligation, I decided to participate in jihad against the United States. The Koran obliges every able Muslim to participate in jihad and fight in the way of Allah, those who fight you, and kill them wherev...