Tory McConnell

Tory McConnell

  • August 26, 2023

    U.S. Congress: call your office

    If ever there was a time for an emergency session of Congress, now is it. The House, in any event, should come back soonest, or directly after Labor Day. Like all things D.C., the congressional recesses have become more and more generous over time. I...

  • August 17, 2023

    Advice to Fani Willis from the WSJ

    The Wall Street Journal this week offered up a pithy headlined suggestion to the wayward prosecutor in Fulton County: Indictment Four: Trump as Racketeer Alleging a RICO conspiracy makes the Georgia 2020 election case less...

  • August 13, 2023

    AG Garland plays us for fools

    To play someone for a fool is a very risky business. To play an entire populace as a fool is downright edgy.  A case in point is the recent “appointment” by AG Garland of one of his troopers, David Weiss, to be “spe...

  • August 3, 2023

    Mike Pence: No surprises

    Well, ex-Vice President Mike Pence has thrown down another very timely gauntlet on his old boss, who today will be, we hear, in D.C. That's because Donald Trump had and has the temerity to call out on record an obviously suspect presiden...

  • July 16, 2023

    A paean to the lefty trolls!

    There was a well researched piece on American Thinker two days ago about the looming possibility of a call up for a number of reservists to serve in Ukraine — a continuation, we can assume, of Biden's ongoing devices for the future of our c...

  • June 13, 2023

    Who else is on board with the Big Guy?

    It occurred to me again today that there are many degrees of tolerance among the congressional leadership, especially in the Senate, for Joe Biden.  Lindsey Graham trumpeted how great Joe is, at first — the let's-all-give-him-a-ch...