Tony Gallardo

Tony Gallardo

  • August 5, 2011

    'Not even halfway there yet'?

    In a speech at a campaign fundraiser Wednesday night (August 3, 2011), president Obama said "...we have made some incredible strides together" but "...we're not even halfway there yet". Excuse me! Half way to where? Where are we going? Do we have to ...

  • July 22, 2011

    Dark days for America

    Everywhere we turn we are reminded of how far America has fallen and continues to fall. It has been less than three years since Obama and the lefties gained virtually unchecked power, and we the people are gasping for air, trying to avoid drowning in...

  • July 1, 2011

    A god or a flake?

    Barack Obama was sold to the American people as a messianic figure, or as Evan Thomas of Newsweek, caught up in the hype said, "He stands astride the world like a sort of god." In less than three years of his administration, this "god" is falling fro...

  • June 7, 2011

    Those who seek to run our lives

    Watching the Anthony Weiner saga unfold was an exercise in déjà vu; denials, name calling, stonewalling, and finally the weeping confession. This is a short list of politicians who recently have betrayed the people closest to them in sex scandals; th...

  • April 18, 2011

    Losing the legitimacy to govern

    A few weeks ago, we were awash with the Obama administration and his acolytes in the media bleating about the legitimacy to govern, as in "Mubarak/Gaddafi has lost his legitimacy to govern," or "He has lost legitimacy with the people....

  • January 11, 2011

    Who are these people?

    Something remarkable happened this past week when the Republicans opened the 112th Congress by reading the Constitution of the United StatesThe reading was derided by both the lefty Democrats and the lefty media. It was called a stunt and waste of ti...

  • January 7, 2011

    Inside the lefty brain

    The other day I was in a shopping center parking lot and saw two stickers in the rear window of a mini-van. The first, which was in the lower left area of the window, said "Veterans for Obama". Okay, I thought; I don't understand it, but th...

  • January 3, 2011

    Opting out

    There is something encouraging happening in America; opting out. Barack Obama was swept into office on the promise that he would "transform America for the 21st century", usher in a new era of prosperity, be careful stewards of taxpayer mon...

  • September 24, 2010

    Memo to Dems; stop worrying

    In recent weeks, there have been a lot of stories popping up in newspapers, on TV, and on the Internet telling us that the Dems are in a deep funk over their election prospects in November. Words and phrases like "panic," "gloom,"...

  • September 3, 2010

    Where's the magic gone?

    The reviews on Barack Obama's Iraq speech on Tuesday night, August 31, 2010 are in and they are almost all unkind.You know it is bad when the lefties are wetting their pants; a case in point being the head cheerleader and Prom King, Chris Matthews.Ma...

  • August 30, 2010

    A lick of common sense...

    A week or so ago, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey held a press conference to discuss a bungled decision by the U.S. Department of Education. In it, he asked; "Does anybody in Washington D.C. have a lick of common sense?" The video can...

  • August 23, 2010

    Hell freezes over

    Question: What does it take for the lefties to "get religion?"Answer: A Muslim Imam who espouses anti-American views, who says America was complicit in the 9-11 attack, who says Osama Bin Laden was made in America, who wants America to be S...

  • July 20, 2010

    The road to Utopia

    Oh, those glorious days of yester month... was it only a few months ago that the lefties in Washington were in heaven? They had control of the entire government, their president was a beloved figure around the world, and they could finally get on wit...

  • July 2, 2010

    The decreasing relevancy of Obama's presidency

    Barack Obama burst on the scene 18 months ago as the greatest political figure the world had ever seen. There was an almost worshipful adulation of him as people around the globe fainted, wept, and danced in the streets while watching his inauguratio...

  • June 18, 2010

    The liberal blinders lift on Obama

    There is a lot moaning, groaning, and gnashing of teeth coming from the lefties these days. They are battering Barack Obama like a piñata; but  just a few months ago they proclaimed him to be the Messiah, a Savior, a combination of George...

  • April 5, 2010

    Obama's reverse Midas touch

    The legendary King Midas was given the gift of the golden touch; everything he touched would turn to gold. Excited at first, he learned the price of greed when the food he tried to eat turned to gold and when he even turned his own daughter into a hu...

  • April 1, 2010

    Dumb workers working too efficiently derailing Obama recovery

    The article, by Neil Irwin, patiently explains to us doofuses out here in Hicksville, USA, that increased output by fewer workers is inhibiting job growth, and that this increased productivity is contributing to "sky-high unemployment."Hey...

  • March 24, 2010

    The Azure Letter (D)

    In the novel ‘The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne, set in 17th century Boston, a young woman named Hester Prynne was forced to wear a scarlet ‘A' because she was found to have committed adulteryThe scarlet letter was intended as a ...

  • March 23, 2010

    Where the cliche 'Pyrrhic Victory' comes from

    Let me get this out of the way first; congratulations, Mr. President!! You won! Just as you won the presidency in 2008, and were so quick to tell Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia, early in your administration. I guess that makes you a winner. Let ...

  • March 4, 2010

    Time to revisit the question: 'What if Obama is out of his mind?'

    In an Esquire on-line article on June 10, 2009, Charles P. Pierce asked "What if Obama's out of his mind?" In one paragraph, he led off with:  "Listen to him. He's talking in what seems to be a glossolalic deluge of issues. ...

  • February 27, 2010

    The easy way back to full employment

    At the White House healthcare summit yesterday, Nancy Pelosi said that passing Obamacare would create 400,000 jobs almost immediately. Never mind that this thing isn't supposed to take effect for three or four years, and that job creation from a heal...

  • February 5, 2010

    President Obama honors Navy 'Corpse-Man'

    President Obama paid tribute to a Navy corpse-man ( I believe he is Christian Bouchard, of Haitian descent) at the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday. It was very moving.  My dad was a sergeant in the United States Marine Corpse during World Wa...

  • February 3, 2010

    Why do some people fall in love with politicians?

    Why do some people fall in love with politicians? Andrew Young, former aide to and confidant of John Edwards, said on Sean Hannity's TV show Tuesday night (February 2, 2010) that when he heard Edwards speak, he "fell in love." This was...

  • January 29, 2010

    Noticing the liberal view on race

    Liberals are always telling us that they are pure, enlightened, and post racial, while tagging conservatives with the "racist" epithet every time they get the opportunityIf we didn't vote for Obama, we are racist.If we disagree with Obama's...

  • January 26, 2010

    George did it

    There is evidence piling up that George W. Bush is working surreptitiously to undermine the Obama presidency. We know this because we have a perfectly reliable and unimpeachable source; Barack Obama himself. He whines, over and over again, that ...