Tony Collins

Tony Collins

  • December 2, 2016

    1875: The Global Warming Solution

    Let’s assume global warming is real. Correct or not, we will start today with that supposition.  Assume with me that there is a problem for a moment so that we may discuss tangible solutions. Let us start by defining our terminology, as...

  • March 19, 2016

    Cruz’s Last Stand

    Following his home-state defeat on March 15th -- the Ides of March -- the media largely spent the following day eulogizing Marco Rubio’s campaign. I’ve read about a dozen articles, some more wistful than others, bidding it farewell. ...

  • March 10, 2016

    Marco Rubio's Sinking Ship

    When a ship goes down, it is rarely all at once. We are all familiar with the story of the Titanic. Or, more recently, the capsizing of the Costa Concordia which played out over a timeframe of multiple hours. Large vessels take some time to...

  • April 25, 2014

    Cliven Bundy -- The Man Who Said Too Much

    Cliven Bundy could tell you what it’s like to go to sleep as a hero and wake up as a monster; and rightly so on both counts.  Few men get to experience such a high coupled with the lowest of lows over the course of a week.  At the ver...