Tom Thurlow

Tom Thurlow

  • February 2, 2013

    The GOP Needs a General Grant

    Lately there have been a number of analogies made between various liberal political positions and the abolitionist Union side in the Civil War.  No doubt this is a result of the 2012 Steven Spielberg movie Lincoln, and its notoriety, and the uni...

  • December 18, 2012

    A Call for Full Disclosure in the Gun Control Debate

    It used to be that a person who managed a mutual fund, hedge fund, endowment, or personal account could go onto CNBC and recommend that viewers buy or sell a certain stock, and the person being interviewed would give his reasons.  Then, at some ...

  • November 2, 2012

    Pelosi and Dem PACs Meddling in Colorado

    Stand up for your beliefs, right?  If you are a conservative in a right-of-center state like Colorado, that should be simple enough.  "The truth will make you free," as it is written in the Bible. Of course, in politics, that is a lot easie...

  • October 13, 2012

    California's Proposition 32: Ending Union Dominance Of California Politics

    From the outside looking in, you have to admit that something is a little "off" in California politics.  In the year 2010, while voters nationwide swept Republicans into office high and low, voters in California kept Democrats in office, wi...

  • September 9, 2012

    Colorado Democrat Redistricting May Have Left Opening for Republican Underdog

    Democrats in Colorado celebrated a hard-fought victory in late 2011 when a state judge sided with the re-districting map of the recently won Democratic majority statehouse.  Congressional districts that were safely Republican were less so, and c...

  • August 15, 2012

    Mia Love: The GOP's Rising Star in Utah's 4th Congressional District

    The Republican Party has a rising star in Utah's newly created 4th congressional district: Tea Partier and former Saratoga Springs, Utah mayor Mia Love.  If elected, the 36-year-old mother of three will be the GOP's first black female member of ...

  • July 24, 2012

    President Obama Channels Don Rickles

    A lot has already been written about President Obama's July 13th speech in Roanoke, Virginia.  But none of the commentary explains the real anger that entrepreneurs feel after watching the speech.  Sure, there is much to be argued about whe...

  • July 16, 2012

    Linda Lingle: The GOP's Senate Pick-Up in Hawaii?

    With all the recent talk of the gains or losses the Republican party stands to make in the United States Senate, there are two issues that have so far gone beneath the radar.  One, the GOP may lose a seat in Maine, as Maine's moderate Republican...

  • June 21, 2012

    Elena Kagan: The ObamaCare Recusal That Wasn't

    When the U.S. Supreme Court releases its decision on the fate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Justice Elena Kagan will cast a vote that should not have been counted.  The relevant rule requires that Supreme Court justices recu...

  • May 29, 2012

    Obama May Lose To A Grass-Roots Operation Chaos In Texas

    Don't look now, but President Obama could actually lose his party's nomination contest in this week's Democratic primary contest in Texas.  Probably not to any one of the three candidates opposing him, but he could still get less than 50% of the...

  • May 25, 2012

    Hey, Californians: Go to Tahoe!

    A few weeks ago my family and I went to Lake Tahoe for a little snow skiing.  We had a great time, except for some obvious "grade deflation" that occurred with the ski slopes.  I skied some intermediate slopes and fell many times, indicatin...

  • April 28, 2012

    Tea Party Battles GOP Establishment in Texas Senate Race

    Here is how it works: a federal agency reinterprets its job to encompass whole new areas of the economy.  For example, the EPA says that the Clean Air Act allows it to create a whole new cap-and-trade system, or to outlaw the lead in bullets....

  • April 11, 2012

    Palin's Privilege

    Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was on the Today show last week, and she did very well.  It was an enjoyable show, and she handled the occasional barbs against her with class.  But don't mention that in mixed company (liberals and conser...

  • March 27, 2012

    Doomsday Preppers

    This just has to be a sign of the times.  Record deficits and oil prices rising, and it could all get worse.  So the National Geographic channel has begun airing a show named Doomsday Preppers, where viewers can watch end-of-the-world types...

  • February 15, 2012

    Brace Yourself for the Santorum Smears

    A poll released Monday by Public Policy Polling shows Senator Rick Santorum 15% ahead of Governor Mitt Romney for the February 28 Michigan Republican presidential primary.  This echoes another poll released Sunday by the Pew Research Center, whi...

  • January 23, 2012

    Newt's Apollo 13 Candidacy

    Between his angry Iowa concession speech and his anti-capitalist talk in the days before the New Hampshire primary, Newt Gingrich cemented several major problems with his campaign: an out-of-control temper, an unreliable ideological rudder, and plent...

  • December 21, 2011

    Salvation Army Troop Withdrawal

    A funny thing happened on my way to shop at Target yesterday: there was no Salvation Army guy with the little red kettle collecting money!  What gives? At the front door of our local Target store, just as the shopper enters the store, is a sign ...

  • November 23, 2011

    Newt Is No Gecko

    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is an interesting candidate because he has been around so long and is only now topping a recent Gallup poll for the Republican nomination.  And yet as a candidate, he comes pre-packaged with his own dirt. ...

  • November 12, 2011

    Curtains for Cain

    In the 1997 movie Titanic there is a short period of time after the ship hit the iceberg and before it began to sink that no one on the ship took seriously the danger they faced.  In fact, the passengers seemed to treat the grazing of the iceber...

  • October 29, 2011

    George Bailey for President

    Halloween is nearly here, and the next big holiday is Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas.  But in our house, Christmas season has already begun, and our family can't get enough of it.  We have already begun watching our Christmas DVDs. And...