Tom McAllister

Tom McAllister

  • Killing Kakistocracy

    November 5, 2024

    Killing Kakistocracy

    The website, defines kakistocracy as “a government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.” Other sources concur, describing it as leadership by the least competent and most unscr...

  • Our Third Battle for Independence

    July 4, 2024

    Our Third Battle for Independence

    Mark Twain once opined, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” A previous AT article noted that Scottish professor Alexander Tytler developed a similar observation specific to republics: throughout human history, they a...

  • A time for prayer

    May 2, 2024

    A time for prayer

    Today is the National Day of Prayer. Though its roots could be traced to colonial times when various individual settlements, colonies, and states observed days of prayer and fasting to seek guidance, repentance, and unity during times of crisis or th...

  • December 24, 2022

    America and the Season of Hope

    As our nation proceeds through the holidays, Christians celebrate the birth of their Lord. Despite this season that traditionally emphasizes hope, many are pondering in trepidation the fate of our country as it continues to veer deeper into postmoder...

  • November 16, 2022

    The Unpopular Cure for Our Electoral Woes

    Here we are, a week after the 2022 elections, and we are still in the fog of ballot-counting.  A nation who put a man on the moon a half-century ago somehow cannot tally the votes of the people in a day.  Read into that whatever you wish. ...

  • August 21, 2022

    Living in the Disinformation Age

    In the mid-1970’s, Alvin Tofler’s influential text, Power Shift foretold the immense impact the coming Information Age would have on society. In a recent interview, a Christian university president insightfully reflected on the subsequent...

  • April 22, 2021

    Not Dead Yet

    As we approach the hundredth day of the Biden “presidency,” any logical, patriotic American has to wonder what more would someone do if they were trying to systematically destroy every ideal and virtue our nation has stood for in its hist...

  • February 13, 2021

    Discouraged? Remember: Truth Always Prevails

    As we endure the political circus and charade of impeachment proceedings, does this reflect a great nation?  The Book of Proverbs personifies wisdom as a woman calling out in the streets offering counsel.  Is anybody in D.C. liste...

  • November 7, 2020

    2020: This is Why Truth Matters

    Scottish scholar Alexander Tytler once observed that the life cycle of a Republic only lasts about 200 years. The United States of America has gone past that expectation. Is our time up? Upon completing the work in drafting our Constitution, a woman ...

  • July 25, 2019

    Have the Democrats reached their culminating point?

    Many AT contributors have written about the vulgarities of our current political environment.  The naked lust for power by those on the far left has removed any remaining sense of decorum.  The current political landscape has devo...

  • January 26, 2018

    Settling for the Truth

    For well over a year, we have endured the media's incessant, sheeplike bleating of Russia!  Russia!  Russia!  Each day we were warned about President Trump through an unchained medley of coordinated narratives on the...

  • August 9, 2017

    Redefining Political Geometry

    It's an amazingly shrewd deception, so subtle that virtually everyone has missed it.  It's so clever that it's hard to believe that those on the political left were smart enough to devise it.  What I'm describing is the comm...