Tom Hoffman

Tom Hoffman

  • No more than spectators?

    June 8, 2024

    No more than spectators?

    The world has always been divided between decent and indecent, good and evil. Throughout history a battle has raged pitting the noble against the ignoble. All great literature is basically an illustration of the tension involved between the crea...

  • A pair of dreamers

    February 17, 2024

    A pair of dreamers

    Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January of 1971. His nonprofit foundation was built on a dream of world governance. In October of the same year, John Lennon released his hit song “Imagine.” Schwab should have a...

  • About that Kobe Bryant statue ...

    February 10, 2024

    About that Kobe Bryant statue ...

    You can learn a lot about a culture through its statuary. In fact, statuary is a guide to what and whom the society values most. Walk through any park in Europe and America and the monuments to the most distinguished persons (almost all men) ...

  • Income inequality then, income inequality now

    February 1, 2024

    Income inequality then, income inequality now

    Let’s face it: income inequality in our country has gotten out of hand.  I know that these words sound like a Marxists slogan.  Marxists will always grab at a shred of truth to push their destructive economic policies in the...

  • March 6, 2022

    The medical industrial complex arises

    As the 72-year-old son of an M.D., I am in a good position to comment on the profound changes we have witnessed in the last 60 years or so. In the sixties, medicine was a product dispensed mostly through the offices of individual practitioners....

  • June 8, 2019

    Another inconvenient truth

    Let's do a simple mental exercise before we get to the point.  Visualize a sphere of solid matter, and then subtract fourteen hundredths of one percent.  Is the reduced sphere at all different in appearance?  Of cour...

  • March 4, 2016

    The Terminator and the Trumpinator

    There is a well-known saying that goes like this: “The way California goes, so goes the nation.”  This saying is about to be validated once again.  The parallels between the special recall election of Gray Davis in 2003 and the ...

  • February 29, 2016

    American Caesarism

    Today there is a palpable sentiment among the American people that we have reached a turning point both as a nation and as a culture.  The fact is that having elected Barack Obama and installed his transformative agenda we have already passed th...

  • May 9, 2013

    Diversity Examined

    I recently spotted a "Diversity is America" bumper sticker and it got me to thinking. Is that right? Well, there is no doubt we are a nation of immigrants representing all races, nations and creeds. Since the word diverse means "different" or "varied...

  • January 14, 2013

    We Await our Caesar

    Civilized cultures are mortal; they have a predetermined life span just like an organism. There are numerous examples from antiquity whose skeletal remains are still with us. Each example represents a unique metaphysical enterprise that has expired. ...

  • May 31, 2010

    When Masculine Virtues Go Out of Fashion

    The culture war begun in the sixties has, in large part, been won by the left. Nowhere is this clearer than in the feminization of men. The virtues of manhood which had been extolled and celebrated throughout the middle ages right up to the 1950s hav...

  • April 9, 2009

    The End of Fair Elections?

    Anyone who believes Hugo Chavez's presidency is the result of a free and fair election should stop reading and go protest against global warming.  For the rest of us, it may come as a surprise to some; we may have witnessed the last free and fai...