Tom Carsley

Tom Carsley

  • June 10, 2010

    Fight or Flee

    One cool still dark morning I went out for a little jog.  Being outdoors at that time before the sun and most people wake up is so calm and a great way to line up the day.  While coming down a long stretch with no lighting at all and around...

  • June 4, 2010

    Supporting open borders is supporting sweat shops in the US

    We all know part of the immigration debate is that the illegals work for below the regular wage rate. What the people who defend illegal immigration are saying is how important this is to the economy. How important it is that they do the work America...

  • June 1, 2010


    My idea of the perfect dog is one that will protect my family. One that will be vigilant over my kids while they play in the yard. One that will die protecting us as members of its pack. A little more than a week ago, we saw a sign for German shepher...

  • February 16, 2010

    Cost of living and economic recovery

    Here is a simple set of figures to give my reasoning as to why the economy will not recover anytime soon.  I invite all readers of this article to compare household costs and see how much hard earned money goes to just living expenses.Average ho...