Todd Royal

Todd Royal

  • May 11, 2023

    The Dawn of a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance

    There are geopolitical and energy realities coming to fruition that nuclear can solve. After more than sixty years, Germany closed all its nuclear power plants (NPPs) with Isar-2, Emsland, and Neckarwestheim-2 officially disconnected from the grid. G...

  • January 12, 2022

    The Catastrophe of Nord Stream 2

    There is a real possibility that the European Union (EU) will endure major fuel shortages this winter. Record-high electricity prices are currently the norm with no end in sight. Russian president Vladimir Putin astutely understands that the EU heavi...

  • May 15, 2021

    Will the U.S. Mine for Rare Earth and Exotic Minerals?

    A conservative estimate of the cost of a transition to “clean energy” is $1.7 trillion needed for mining of copper, cobalt, lithium and other rare earth and exotic metals and minerals. This transition will supposedly fuel electric vehicle...

  • March 23, 2021

    The Politicization of Energy Policy Needs to Stop

    Climate science should be void of politics and more scientific. According to the Global Climate Intelligence Group, energy policy should begin:  “Addressing the uncertainties and exaggerations in predicting global warming, while polit...

  • March 6, 2021

    Renewables and Reliability

    Without reliable electricity, modern life doesn’t exist. This is why the move to an all-electric society is such a bad idea. Most leaders in the West do not understand this reality.  It’s why over 3 billion still live in squalid pove...

  • August 6, 2020

    Can Biden Learn from the UK's Renewable Failures?

    Britain recently announced that electric vehicles (EVs) sales will “jump to 30 million in the next 20 years.” London’s policies to control emissions have begun phasing out the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles. Bloomberg Q...

  • June 6, 2020

    COVID and Climate Models Will Not Save Us

    We are possibly witnessing the most destructive scientific fraud in the history of man via the COVID-19 pandemic while shutting down the U.S. economy.  Hysteria is destroying people's lives.  This level of "groupthink has...

  • May 12, 2020

    Renewable energy doesn't have what it takes to beat COVID-19

    Michael Moore's surprising anti-renewables and environmental-movement documentary Planet of the Humans unmasks the trillions being spent on wind turbines and solar panels that do not deliver as advertised.  The movie attacks men like Al...

  • April 18, 2020

    COVID-19 and Reliable Energy

    Affordable and reliable energy and electricity are essential for the world to alleviate the coronavirus pandemic. Without reliable electricity, hospitals can’t save lives, and without crude oil powering our modern world, the virus would overwhe...

  • November 27, 2019

    US and India Strengthen Strategic Ties

    The Financial Times (F.T.) in the first quarter of 2019 stated that the world is now living in the "Asian Century."  The F.T. goes onto mark that the times have moved from a Western to an Asian model becoming the cornerstone for t...

  • November 3, 2019

    Russia's Involvement in Venezuela Is Troublesome for the West

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) "projects that natural gas consumption in Asia will continue to outpace supply."  With the future growth of natural gas consumption concentrated in Asia, the EIA "expects ...

  • September 30, 2019

    US Fracking Will Continue Its Forward March

    The Abqaiq attack in Saudi Arabia by Iran, or one of its proxies, is the largest oil and petrochemical disruption in over fifty years.  Over 5.7 mb/d was lost, and estimates are that it will take months or weeks to retur...

  • September 27, 2019

    India and the US can strike an energy deal of the century

    Five years ago, India Prime Minister (P.M.) Narendra Damodardas Modi was in New York's Madison Square Garden for a traditional American visit.  But that was before President Donald Trump and his raucous political rallies.  In ...

  • August 3, 2019

    US Natural Gas Will Soon Run the World

    United States carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the power sector and the broader economy have declined 61 percent between 2006 and 2014, mainly from "switching from coal-to-gas-powered generation," according to the U.S. Department of Ener...

  • July 11, 2019

    To Avoid Global War, Ensure US Energy Dominance

    The world is using more, not less energy, with the United States leading this surge.  This fact will continue changing the world geopolitically and bring changes to global markets.  BP's seminal Statistical Review of World Ene...

  • June 16, 2019

    Energy and Geopolitics Are under Attack

    Global warming.  Climate change.  Renewable energy.  Carbon-free societies.  All of these terms have gained status as the balm to eliminate fossil fuels, which is supposedly causing anthropogenic global warming...

  • June 7, 2019

    China and India Will Watch the West Destroy Itself

    China and India will allow the West — led by the United States and the European Union — to destroy themselves through dysfunctional domestic and continent-wide politics.  This isn't a Donald Trump or E.U. issue, bu...

  • May 31, 2019

    Clean Energy Has Questions to Answer

    Xcel Energy out of Colorado is shutting down two coal-fired generating power plants in favor of the largest solar-plus storage project in the United States.  This $2.5-billion "scheme" allowed only 11 companies to bid on the proje...

  • April 17, 2019

    Russia, Iran, and the Weaponization of Energy

    One of the most important lessons from World War II is this: integrated economic growth is always better than a global war that engulfed all seven continents and killed over 100 million people.  Since oil, natural gas, and coal are now inte...

  • April 13, 2019

    Questioning Global Warming

      When pollsters realized that the public and elected officials weren't buying global warming as a concept or policy, in a brilliant political move, they came up with the phrase "climate change."  This helped sell the theor...

  • October 25, 2018

    Have the Chinese Reached a Tipping Point?

    The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell asserts that "Little Things Can Make a Big Difference."  This year, small, innocuous events are building toward possible big changes for the Chinese government, its citizens, and Southeast Asi...

  • September 16, 2018

    The Deep State, Obama, and Destroying America

    On April 22, national security adviser John Bolton said, "It's Open Season for Foreign Influence Operations.  It's not just Vladimir Putin's Kremlin that is trying to influence our elections.  So are communist Chi...

  • August 4, 2018

    Future looking incredible for US oil production

    HSBC predicted in a recent report that Texas is set to outpace Iran and Iraq in oil production.  Furthermore, HSBC stated that the Permian Basin in West Texas and the Eagle Ford are likely to produce 5.6 million barrels per day (bpd) by 201...

  • May 18, 2018

    Debunking the Intellectual Lethargy of Foreign Policy Elites

    Palaver-filled torpor is an apt description for an article published by Foreign Affairs on April 30, titled "Time for a New U.S. Foreign Policy Narrative: A Better Alternative to Trump's 'America First," by Ian Bremme...

  • May 13, 2018

    What I Learned at the Fastest Growing Technology Conference in America

    Roughly fifty journalists -- including myself -- were straining to hear the CEO of an Internet Transparency Company on day one speak on why openness and inclusiveness make good business sense. Then his politics stole the show when he informed the ass...

  • April 30, 2018

    The Geopolitical Disconnect in World Markets

    Geopolitical spats taking place in Syria, tensions over China's militarization of the South China Sea, nuclear threats from North Korea, and daily tweets from President Trump have caused market turbulence in 2018.  Yet the ten-year Unit...

  • March 26, 2018

    On Iran, the USA Is in Big Trouble

    The United States and the other powers who signed the infamous "Iran deal" are in a major bind. Former President Obama wanted a world without nuclear weapons, and the 2015 nuclear weapons agreement with Iran had the intention of rolling ...

  • March 11, 2018

    How the World Should View China: Friend, Foe, or Somewhere Between?

    In the brutal 2014 World War II movie Fury, a soldier definitively states, "Ideals are peaceful.  History is violent."  That's what the entire world and particularly Southeast Asia should be pondering about China...