Todd Keister

Todd Keister

  • August 12, 2013

    Rule of the Republicrats

    If there was any lingering doubt that Americans live under one-party statist rule, the events of the past several weeks should have removed them.  When it was revealed that the federal government has been illegally spying on every American's tel...

  • June 21, 2013

    The Dangers of Democracy

    Democracy.  The word is nearly ubiquitous in American political discourse.  We routinely refer to our country and those modeled after our own as democracies.  We listen to speeches, read books, and profess our belief in democratic prin...

  • May 22, 2013

    The IRS: Destroying Liberty Since before You Were Born

    In the fallout from the recent revelations about the Internal Revenue Service systematically persecuting conservative political groups and other enemies of President Obama, the establishment is putting on a good show of being shocked by the behavior....

  • May 4, 2013

    Condemning Capitalism and Freedom

    The relentless assaults on American capitalism continue unabated. This week such an attack even appeared on the Wall Street Journal's website, Market Watch. Columnist Paul B. Farrell penned a column titled, "Capitalism is killing our morals, our futu...

  • November 10, 2012

    Al Sharpton and His Trickle

    The election is over, and the American people have spoken; a majority now are fully indoctrinated socialists and want the government to run the economy, and their health care, and to make sure they get their fair share of other people's money (withou...

  • October 5, 2012

    A Wise and Frugal King

    Wednesday night, Americans witnessed the first debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.  By all accounts, Governor Romney soundly bested the failed president both on his command of the facts and in his demeanor.  Whil...

  • November 20, 2010

    The Oklahoma Sharia Ban

    A Federal District Court judge recently issued an order blocking the implementation of an amendment to the Oklahoma State Constitution. The amendment, approved by seventy percent of Oklahoma voters, would bar state court judges from considering eithe...

  • June 14, 2008

    Thank you, Big Oil

    So, you hate "big oil" and the soaring gasoline prices they are forcing on you?  You've bought into the Democrats and Republicrats rhetoric about greed and "unjustified" profits, and you can't wait for someone to be elected p...