Toby Ranley

Toby Ranley

  • May 29, 2022

    The problem with school shootings is societal

    Society has changed dramatically since I was young. Back in the 1950s, before drug culture, before technology and video games, before the welfare state and rampant single parenthood and, yes, before legal abortion devalued human life, there were rifl...

  • June 16, 2021

    The evils of our 'new' racism

    The night before last, Tucker Carlson was talking with a man from Buckhead, the expensive north side of Atlanta.  They discussed the alarming increase in crime, random shootings, beatings, and violence in that neighborhood.  I lis...

  • April 15, 2021

    Sleep training and temper tantrums

    Every parent learns the hard way that babies and children cannot rule the house.  There are some cultures where things are done differently, but here in the USA, we parents quickly learn, whether we like it or not, that we have to be the ad...

  • February 27, 2021

    'Transitioning' children: Parental consent or not, it’s a bad idea

    I must confess that I'm transphobic, by the current definition.  My condition is unchangeable and intrinsic.  As I listened to medical experts and pundits on several Fox shows talk about the questions Rand Paul asked, and that...