Timothy Gordon

Timothy Gordon

  • April 28, 2013

    Islamic Terror and Suburban Entitlement

    It has recently surfaced that Djokhar Tsarnaev told his mother a couple of years back that he was "willing to die for Islam." It now appears that he was playing for keeps and that he meant it. Further, it appears the little punk will get his wish. Bu...

  • March 17, 2013

    Pope Francis: Papabile in a Fallen World

    It's official: this strong conservative was papabile without ever having to prove to a bunch of his moral inferiors that he was "electable" or "presidential." Sound familiar? No, it doesn't sound familiar to me either, but rather, refreshingly novel....

  • March 12, 2013

    Eugenics and the Closing of the Popular Mind

    On Wednesday, March 6, that palladium of journalistic poise, Yahoo News, ran a story about Crystal Kelley's recent surrogate-abortion-adoption struggle. I was hardly concerned by just another one of the usual, back-alley-educated, pop-illiterate-Prog...

  • February 13, 2013

    The Institutio​n Athwart History

    Readers of AT are familiar with my writings as primarily concerned with declining American constitutionalism and American culture. It is a fond goal of my heart to stem both of these tides. Yet today, not three weeks from the termination of the tenur...

  • February 2, 2013

    Madison's Republic

    James Madison is not directly to blame for America's current situation. The Marxists (sec progs) are. Rather, he was responsible for making unfortunate modifications to Montesquieu's philosophy, which was -- although Spirit of the Laws was published ...

  • January 27, 2013

    Madison's Constitution

    In the post-Constitutional American order of 2013, one hears increasingly frequent reference among everyday conservatives to "the real Constitution." This entails popular references to the Framers, to the late 1780s, and even to the political-science...

  • January 23, 2013

    Thin Skin, Strong Stomach

    As I talk to more and more to folks who have bought into Obama's fabrication about "assault weapons," I contemplate the centrality of secular progressive labeling to their overall scheme.  Progressivism has survived -- thrived -- even in spite o...

  • December 2, 2012

    A Holiday Meditation on Contingency

    These holidays, I recommend to America Seneca's unorthodox toast: bibamus, moriendum est.  Drink up, for die we must.  I promise to justify such lines as not grim, but rather ultimately palliative both to individuals and to our civil societ...

  • November 15, 2012

    A Declaration of Grievances

    Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that when an aggrieved people becomes fed up with governmental incursions into its liberty, that people "should declare the causes which impel them to the separation," such that the world can ...

  • October 21, 2012

    A 21st-Century De Anima: Why Vamps and Zombs are So Wildly Popular with the Humanists

    The cultural phenomenon is undeniable: vampire and zombie phantasmagoria is in its heyday, especially among Gen-Xers and younger.  The dis-ensouled human form, both the high (the vampire) and the low (the zombie), has swept the nation in movies,...

  • June 14, 2010

    Abby's Odyssey: In Defense of the Sunderlands

    Abby Sunderland's recent adventure has everyone questioning teen safety. It all depends one how one defines it.   Parents, where are your teenage daughters? They had better be "safe" at home watching the perverse antics of Disney role models lik...