Timothy Birdnow

Timothy Birdnow

  • March 7, 2020

    Hell or High Water

    Tide and time wait for no man, or so they say. But that isn't really true if you are a rich progressive, or one of those who finagle a fine living off the stupidity of naive guilt-riddled Westerners. Take the rising tide. For years the climate...

  • January 27, 2019

    Morality, the Wall, and the Jefe Class

    Nancy Pelosi stated that a border wall is "an immorality" and that is a part of why she refuses to allow funding for one. Strange -- in the Bible the Prophet Nehemiah is imputed with righteousness for building a wall around Jerusalem, but i...

  • November 18, 2018

    Substitute teacher gets the boot after thanking kids for saying Pledge of Allegiance

    A substitute teacher in the Parkway South School District in suburban St. Louis County, Mo. was fired after thanking students for reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.  I kid you not. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: A substit...

  • August 15, 2018

    A Haunting in Ferguson

    Four years ago, the trendy city of Ferguson, Mo. -- an up-and-coming gentrifying community in north St. Louis county -- went up in flames after a very large black man assaulted a police officer, grabbed for his gun, and was shot to death. George Soro...

  • June 24, 2018

    Climate Change Makes Flat and Globally Warm Beer

    Summer is here, and a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of – beer!  Yes, it wouldn't be summer without that cold, fizzy, golden brew.  Beer is as much a part of summer as watermelon, swimming, and barbequing. ...

  • June 8, 2018

    Progressive Jihad on the Prairie

      A progressive summer storm has blown across the Illinois prairie and settled over the St. Louis suburb of O'Fallon, Illinois, full of sound and fury and, well, not exactly signifying nothing, but rather seeking the pound of flesh that t...

  • May 12, 2018

    The Great Greitens Railroading

    Eric Greitens was a Democrat. This must be understood if one is to make any sense out of what is happening in the Soros-funded coup in Missouri. The former Navy SEAL and head of a military charity came to his senses and switched parties, and after co...

  • March 17, 2018

    Does the right to bear arms extend to public housing?

    The Progressive left loves to assign "rights" to poor people who have no constitutional basis (the "right" to medical care, for instance) but is strangely reticent when it comes to your Second Amendment rights.  Apparently, i...

  • February 27, 2018

    Illegal Aliens, Identity Theft, and Claire McCaskill

    Senator Claire McCaskill is stealing the identity of a crusader against identity theft, despite her role in the very scourge she bemoans. The embattled Democrat is once more  facing a tough re-election battle (nobody likes her here), and she nee...

  • January 16, 2018

    The climate Gulag archipelago

    Climate alarmism, like all leftist propaganda, has turned virulent among its many followers.  It has been widely chronicled how the Gang Green – the radical environmental Nazis pushing climate change to establish an international orde...

  • January 7, 2018

    Land of Lincoln: The third-world casa on the prairie

    In a recent blog post here at American Thinker, Thomas Lifson chronicles the tale of Harvey, Illinois, a failing community where government officials have stolen everything not nailed down.  Now, having exhausted all sources of revenue, the muni...

  • December 18, 2017

    Have the Liberal Grinches Stolen Christmas?

    I went Christmas shopping yesterday and confirmed what my wife had been telling me – namely, that the stores and malls were largely empty. I  went to one of the few remaining malls in the St. Louis area – the Galleria – and had...

  • November 27, 2017

    The long arm of Robert Mueller

      Looks as though the long arm of Robert Mueller may extend to Paris.  Seems French police arrested a sitting Russian senator for tax evasion in violation of his diplomatic immunity.  Suleiman Kerimov was grabbed by French authoriti...

  • September 29, 2017

    A chicken in every grievance

    An African-American woman has posted a sobbing video that has gone viral in which she delineates a vicious assault on her person by occupants of a red pickup truck.  They ruthlessly tossed a piece of fried chicken through her open...

  • August 28, 2017

    Seizing What We Hold Dear

    The recent spate of iconoclasm against Confederate monuments is being heartily justified by both Democratic politicians and the news media, yet these same voices were singing a different tune just a short while ago. Anyone remember the flap over the ...

  • August 10, 2017

    The New Tenure of Office Act

    When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, a chain of events was set in motion that has relevance to our current political climate. Lincoln, with an eye on post-war reconstruction, hoped to heal the wounds of secession so he had chosen an odd man to serv...

  • July 7, 2017

    Things Get Hot for Michael Mann

    Michael Mann has stepped into a methane-emitting cowpile. Mann is the Penn State climatologist famous for inventing the "hockey stick" graph promoting the notion that planetary temperatures spiked in the 20th century after a Go...

  • June 22, 2017

    James Hodgkinson -- Look for the Union Label

    A good deal of analysis has gone into James Hodgkinson, the Friend of Bernie and neosocialist wacko who tried to murder the Republicans in Congress by an act of terrorism. Yes, he hated Trump and all Republicans. Yes, he waxed poetic over high t...

  • April 26, 2017

    Mizzou: An object lesson

    The University of Missouri Columbia (Mizzou) has witnessed a steep drop in enrollment in this year's class, leading the university to layoffs and budget cuts. According to the Columbia Tribune: The University of Missouri is unli...

  • April 2, 2017

    Missouri surrendering to Real ID Act

    In 2005, the U.S. Congress passed the Real ID Act.  Officially designed to fight terrorism, the act imposes federal standards on the individual states with regard to legally recognized identification of citizens.  The Real ID Act requires s...

  • March 23, 2017

    Preschooler suspended from daycare for bringing in spent .22 shell

    In yet another episode of Liberals Gone Wild, a Collinsville, Illinois preschool has suspended a four-year-old child for bringing a spent .22 shell to show his friends.  Not a gun, not live ammunition, but a used shell. Apparently, this was t...

  • March 7, 2017

    Obama's game of I Spy

    The media are all wee-wee'd up (as Barack Obama would say) over Donald Trump's charge that Obama spied on him at Trump Tower.  They trotted out old James Clapper, a man who perjured himself before Congress while lying about government sp...

  • January 10, 2017

    Somehow I doubt they were all Russian

    Shouldn't Hillary be at least partly culpable since she offered such an inviting target?  Shouldn't John Podesta be blamed for using "password" as his secure password and clicking on a "larger penis" ad? In th...

  • December 13, 2016

    Tillerson’s Assault on Scouting

    When I was a boy I swore an oath, one I take seriously to this day. It went like this: On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically st...

  • October 22, 2016

    Forgetting Jerry Ford

    In Wednesday's debate, Donald J. Trump refused to answer a loaded question from moderator Chris Wallace demanding to know if he will accept (roll over on) an unfavorable election result.  Trump, who understands that an all-out effort is bein...

  • October 16, 2016

    Surrendering to the Spirit of the Age

    Since Jesus famously took out a coin and said "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's" the Church and State have been separated. As St. Augustine famously put it, there is a city of God and a city...

  • October 1, 2016

    We Are the Third World

    In the presidential debate last Monday Donald Trump warned America that she's "become a third-world country" to the guffaws and disdain of the liberals, the media (but I repeat myself) and Hillary Rodham Clinton, who later accused Trump...

  • September 16, 2016

    Missouri‘s BLM state senator refuses to pledge allegiance to America

    Missouri state senator and Black Lives Matter protester Jamilah Nasheed refused to stand along with her fellow legislators to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of a session of the Missouri senate. The Muslim convert (she was born Jeni...

  • August 27, 2016

    Judge Cancels Elections in Ferguson-Florissant School District

    Recently a federal judge ruled that the way the Ferguson-Florissant School District elects board members was biased against black people, and he ordered a suspension of elections until the district satisfied his demands for reform. Here is the ent...

  • November 11, 2015

    Claire McCaskill investigating drug companies for her mistake

    Missouri senator Claire McCaskill, who carried the administration’s water on Obamacare and promised that health care costs would drop once implemented, is now running cover for the failure of the program about which she waxed so poetic. In t...

  • September 17, 2015

    The Congressional GOP's Historic Failure

    How do you tame an elephant? An elephant is a massive, powerful beast, one with no serious natural predators. Intelligent, strong, enormous in size, it should logically be impossible to turn such a beast into a domesticated critter, yet it is done al...

  • July 14, 2015

    Bumbling science: global warming and an incredible lightness of bee-ing

    Here is a piece of pseudo-scientific idiocy that caught my attention.  This Fox News/LiveScience article tries to claim that bumblebees are disappearing because of, you guessed it, global warming! From the article: Climate change is caus...

  • June 28, 2015

    Roberts Saves ObamaCare

    In the case of King v. Burwell, Chief Justice John Roberts robbed the American People in a monumentally hypocritical ruling upholding the intent of the ObamaCare legislation over the actual wording of the law. Roberts wrote: "If the...

  • March 8, 2015

    Ferguson by the Numbers

    A recent report issued by the Department of Justice attacked the city of Ferguson Mo. for a "pattern of racial bias" for stopping, searching, and arresting more black people than white. Unable to find any blame for Officer Darren Wilson (wh...

  • February 11, 2015

    Putting Free Enterprise on Ice in New Jersey

    It has been said that, in a socialist state, whatever is not forbidden is compulsory. That appears to be true in the People's Republic of New Jersey, where law enforcement officials shut down a couple of kids trying to make a few dollars shovelin...

  • October 23, 2014

    Karl Rove's Strategic Concealment Initiative

    Karl Rove has come under fire for masterminding the Bush Administration policy of hiding the discovery of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Rove, along with Bush, had a policy befitting a schoolyard bully victim, and he no doubt beli...

  • August 3, 2014

    Is Violence Driving Central American Invasion?

    Violence as a result of drug warfare is blamed for the surge in unaccompanied children to the U.S. Based on statistics, I have to question this. According to the Pew Research Center: "The three top municipalities sending children to the ...

  • July 20, 2014

    Genetic Determinism or Free Will?

    There is a famous comparison made between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. The more mystical types among us find the apparent similarities compelling evidence of some inscrutible fate, and much ink has been spilled (no doubt to buttress the legen...

  • July 1, 2014

    Slaying the Rule of Law

    The Mayor of the City of St. Louis, the Honorable Francis Slay, has openly, willfully violated the state constitutional ban on gay marriage Mayor Slay, perhaps taking his cue from President Barack Obama, who enforces only laws he likes, married se...

  • May 8, 2014

    HUD Looks for Housing Discrimination for LGBT

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development is planning to focus group LGBT people to determine if their is bias in rental housing for this class.  According to the Washington Free Beacon: "The department posted a 30-day notice in ...

  • April 29, 2014

    St. Louis County Abrogates Property Rights

    St. Louis County, Mo. is planning to force property owners to purchase a landlord's license to rent out or even allow friends or family to inhabit a privately owned domicile. Not content with collecting fees for "safety" inspections ...

  • February 9, 2014

    Global Warming: Don't Confuse Us with the Facts

    Global warming is a planetary emergency, climate alarmists tell us.  America and the rest of the world  must fundamentally alter our lifestyles and radically reduce our consumption of energy and our industrial emissions if we are ...

  • November 9, 2013

    Seal Team Six Now Inherently Racist?

    Students at the very liberal Washington University in St. Louis have started a tempest over their choice of Halloween costumes. What did they dress as, you may ask? What was so controversial that the University had to call an emergency meeting and de...

  • September 5, 2013

    Why is NASA purchasing 'assault rifles'?

    NASA, America's space agency and Muslim outreach organization, has apparently tired of its mission of promoting Islamic self-esteem and global warming theory and has decided to instead join the ranks of Barack Obama's internal security force. Well be...

  • August 9, 2013

    Destroying Football: The Left's Endgame

    The latest fad among football sportswriters and commentators seems to involve crowing about head injuries and long-term health effects from playing football. There is currently a lawsuit by former NFL players against the league for health issues th...

  • June 23, 2013

    The Colonization of 21st-Century America

    When author Dinesh D'Souza diagnosed Barack Obama with anti-colonialism, he did so on the basis of Mr. Obama's seemingly inexplicable chip-on-the-shoulder attitude toward the country he himself leads, and his eager attempts to move America down the e...

  • May 1, 2013

    The Individual as Property

    In 2011 a woman named Sharrie Gavan beat a man with a baseball bat. Now, this is not all that unusual, as domestic disputes, home invasions, and overheated arguments sometimes end with an act of assault, but this particular case is different. In this...

  • March 6, 2013

    DHS Backdooring Gun Registration in Missouri

    The Department of Homeland Security is attempting to backdoor gun registration in the State of Missouri. According to talk show host Dana Loesch: "Department of Revenue is working with the Department of Homeland Security to install new hard and soft...

  • February 28, 2013

    Obamacare Debt on a Geological Time Scale

    We all knew it, but here it is. The GAO has discovered that the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare is not revenue neutral at all, but will cost the U.S. taxpayer 6.2 trillion dollars.Now, if I am doing my arithmetic correctly there are roughly thirty ...

  • January 26, 2013

    Gun Control: A Failed American Experiment

    The United States has had gun control from its founding. And the results have been dreadful. Constitutional attorney Edwin Viera Jr.points out that: Georgia's Slavery Act of 1765, for example, explained itself on the rather blatant theory of legal...

  • January 18, 2013

    The Missouri 'Rat Your Kid Out or Rat Yourself Out' Act

    A state legislator in St. Louis County has sponsored gun legislation for the State of Missouri. Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, is sponsoring SB 124, the Rat Your Kid Out or Rat Yourself Out Act. Among the key provisions of the Act:...

  • December 31, 2012

    Professor Calls for Death Penalty for Climate Change 'Deniers'

    It is as inevitable as the rising of the sun; the Left, when thwarted in their quest for power, suggests the use of lethal force to compel those who disagree. There is a nauseating litany of murders done by our betters in their pursuit of the Bentham...

  • December 8, 2012

    Another Global Warming Drive-By

    Much ado has been made about the loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean by the Gang Green, those global warming hysterics who want us to fundamentally reorganize human civilization based on a statistically marginal temperature rise planetwide in the 20t...

  • November 15, 2012

    Sore Liberal Winners

    A petition drive at Whitehouse.gov to allow a number of states to secede from the Union has drawn quite a bit of attention in the media. It has also drawn quite a bit of attention from progressives who have doffed their white cloaks to reveal the bro...

  • September 1, 2012

    Harvard's Plagiarism Panic

    Harvard University, Regis of America's higher educational system, has been rocked by an enormous cheating scandal. What is the big deal?  Harvard may not officially encourage plagiarism, but it hardly frowns on the practice, either.  Consid...

  • July 15, 2012

    Is the Current Heat wave Caused by Global Cooling?

    Back in 2010 Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research, a private consulting firm helping businesses manage weather and climate-related risk, wrote an op-ed in the New York Times arguing that the unusuall...

  • June 25, 2012

    The Valley of the Shadow of Death Panels

    I suffered heart failure back in September.  I had had a cough for some time but nothing more, and I figured it was a case of allergies run amok.  One morning I woke with breathing trouble and a fizzing sound in my chest, and went to the E....

  • June 14, 2012

    Obama's Father's Day

    One of President Obama's more bizarre quirks consists of referring to his "sons" when speaking in public.  (Go here to see a partial list of Obama's other outlandish comments.) Mr. Obama has done this repeatedly; saying that if he had a son he w...

  • June 1, 2012

    Is Obama Running Interference for Russia Over Katyn?

    Recently President Barack Obama caused a firestorm by referring in a speech to "Polish death camps" while awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom medal to a Polish freedom fighter. The Polish government was very angry with this, demanding an apolo...

  • May 6, 2012

    Why is Obama degrading our satellite capabilities?

    The U.S. is beginning to lose its satellite earth observation capabilities according to a recent National Research Council report. From Space Daily: "The report cautions that the nation's earth observing system is beginning a rapid decline in capabi...

  • April 24, 2012

    The Last Days of Global Warming Theory?

    Is the Pope Catholic?  What would people say if he were to come out and admit he might be wrong about the divinity of Christ?  That is essentially what has occurred in the Church of the Green Goddess; James Lovelock, father of the Gaia hypo...

  • March 17, 2012

    William Hull Republicans

    The GOP establishment has failed to learn the lessons of history when it comes to winning elections.  To get up to speed, they should study the career of Revolutionary War hero William Hull. During the War of 1812, the Governor of the Michigan T...

  • January 9, 2012

    Obama's Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps

    Writing back in 2007, Naomi Wolfe catalogued the steps to creating a dictatorship (which she sought to apply to George W. Bush).  Interestingly enough, they apply far more to the man who replaced him. Wolfe's steps include: 1. Invoke a terrifyin...

  • January 9, 2012

    Hydraulic Fractured Fairy Tales

    It's all over the internet; a spate of recent minor earthquakes in Ohio is leading to charges (including by some scientists) that human activity is at fault.  In Youngstown Ohio, brine wastewater from mining operations was injected into deep wel...

  • December 27, 2011

    Green is the New Brown

    Opponents of the radical environmentalist movement and it's steadfast promotion of the fundamental restructuring of human civilization have long argued that the reek of National Socialism clings to the modern Green movement. Mark Musser made that ver...

  • December 17, 2011

    British Police Raid Climategate Blogger's Home

    There is often a price to pay for miracles. Several years back a miracle occured at Climate Audit, the website of Steve McIntyre (the man who debunked Michael Mann's Hockey Stick graph); a slew of e-mails hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Un...

  • October 28, 2011

    The essence of America revealed in Game 6 of the World Series

    What is the essence of America?  That is no small question; the political divide in this country for the last hundred years, at least, has hinged on that question, on what this nation values. Traditionally America has represented not equali...

  • October 21, 2011

    The Beast Comes to Bayou?

    Reach into your pocket, extract a dollar bill. Printed on that bill is a phrase officially making it money; "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private".  Legal tender, for all debts. This is an unambiguous statement. Yet the st...

  • September 21, 2011

    More evidence warmists wrong

    The IPCC and other warmist promoters have dismissed the role of the sun as negligible based on calculations of total solar irradiance (TSI).  The claim is that the increase in TSI during the latter part of the 20th century (coinciding with the G...

  • September 10, 2011

    PBS alters transcript to hide Obama gaffe

    Barack Obama has gone to Congress asking for more money to spend. The President, in a rambling and tedious exercise mixing blame with demands, made quite a few dubious statements in laying out the case for Congress to vote for the plan which as yet d...

  • September 6, 2011

    The Warmists Strike Back

    Oppose the warmists, and they will enact punishment upon you.  Dr. Roy Spencer from the University of Alabama Huntsville recently published a paper along with his colleague Dr. Dan Braswell that made quite a splash in the media; their research f...

  • August 12, 2011

    What's in a name?

    What's in a name? If that name is Barack Hussein Obama, plenty! Take this, for example. Last year the Normandy school district, a suburban district in North St. Louis County in Missouri, was on the verge of losing accreditation. According to KMOX rad...

  • July 28, 2011

    The Protocols of the Elders of Liberalism

    Recently The New York Times published an op-ed by Roger Cohen about the Anders Behring Breivik attacks in Norway that openly accuses Christians, Conservatives and Tea Party people of promoting mass murder and mayhem. Cohen pulls no punches here. For ...

  • June 28, 2011

    Warmist Cargo Cult Science Returns

    Michael Mann, Pennsylvania State University climate Svengali, a member of the CRU (he figured prominently in the e-mail scandals at East Anglia), and great Pittsburgh Penguins fan (he created the famed "hockey stick graph" that was so influential on ...

  • May 13, 2011

    The Cruelty of Caesar's Charity

    A gaggle of professors at Catholic universities have written a letter to U.S. House Speaker John Boehner criticizing his attempts to restore sanity to the federal budget on the grounds that it hurts the poor. Boehner, who is Catholic, was sharply rep...

  • April 8, 2011

    Immolation of the Quran

    The reverend Terry Jones burned some paper in Florida, and people were murdered on the other side of the world.  Criticism abounds for the pastor of a small church, who decided he'd had enough of being bullied by a religion that demands obedienc...

  • April 1, 2011

    Courage in Missouri

    The GOP controlled state legislature in Missouri has taken a fiscal stand, refusing to accept the bribe money from Washington to extend unemployment benefits.According to the National Council of State Legislatures, Missouri is the only state to have ...

  • March 17, 2011

    Power Corrupts

    Recently J. Robert Smith wrote a blogpost arguing that the panic-driven coverage of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant illustrates an aversion to risk bordering on the, well, psychotic (my words, not Mr. Smith's).  I would agree to a point, but...

  • March 5, 2011

    The Global Warming Health Scare

    The American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Public Health Association (APHA) have declared Global Warming a serious public health threat. You may resume reading after your laughter subsides.According to this article from Medpage Today:...

  • January 22, 2011

    Your Papers, Please!

    I recently received an e-mail from the St. Louis Association of Realtors detailing a new policy being implemented by the Missouri Real Estate Commission (the official governmental board regulating real estate practices).  In the next licensing p...

  • December 29, 2010

    Snow Blind

    The New York Times is self-destructing on Global Warming. Once again, Climate Change alarmists blame winter weather on Global Warming.What is interesting in this New York Times op-ed is that the author (Judah Cohen) knocks the underpinning of climate...

  • August 6, 2010

    Victory at C

    The triumph of Prop C in Missouri could not be more complete, and the Democrats and their minions in the mainstream media are fully aware of the fact. Proposition C was the Missouri constitutional amendment that, well, read for yourself:Shall the Mis...

  • July 30, 2010

    The Thunder and the Firecracker

    Recently, NASA's THEMIS spacecraft detected a phenomenon that many astronomers had suspected; the spacequake. A spacequake happens when the Earth's magnetic field is stretched out by the solar wind - charged particles streaming from the Sun. The magn...

  • June 21, 2010

    Why sue Arizona and not Missouri?

    In a visit with Ecuadorian officials Secretary of State Hillary Clinton let slip that the Obama Administration intends to sue the state of Arizona over recently passed immigration laws.  While Hillary's speaking out of turn may have forced the A...

  • April 18, 2010

    The case against AGW: Pluto's atmosphere

    More proof that Global Warming - if global warming there be - is driven by solar activity.According to NASA, Hubble telescopic images of the Kuiper Belt Object (formerly planet) Pluto showed marked atmospheric increase between 1994 and 2003:"Th...

  • March 2, 2010

    'First, do no harm...'

    A simple observation on healthcare reform; the fundamental axiom in medicine is "first, do no harm."  What that translates into is an unwillingness by doctors to try dangerous or experimental treatments or drugs because of potential ha...

  • November 10, 2009

    The Accidental Landlords

    Fannie Mae, that little spendthrift tartlet and loose date for the Democrats, has found a new way to squander money and wreck America's financial institutions. Fannie's "Deed for Lease" program would allow homeowners who do not qualify for ...

  • August 21, 2009

    ObamaCare and the Sorcerer's Apprentice

    Barack Obama is unleashing forces he only dimly understands, hopelessly out of his depth.Barack Obama has stated, and quite publicly, that the debate over climate change is over, and that the Earth`s climate is shifting as a result of human emissions...

  • July 14, 2009

    Two bills worth close scrutiny

    Does anybody remember Alcee Hastings? The honorable Mr. Hastings was a Federal judge from Florida who was impeached and removed from office for conspiracy to take bribes. He now sits in the House of Representatives, a Democrat, of course.Well, Mr. Ha...

  • July 7, 2009

    Money for Nothing

    Everything old is new again, at least in the current political climate.One of the prouder programs of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal entailed paying farmers not to grow crops; the government decided that they wanted to shore up food prices (so farmers...

  • May 24, 2009

    Cyberbullying Laws and the Moral Code

    "Hard Cases, it is said, make bad law"  -John Campbell ArgyllWhen a jury convicted 49 year old Lori Drew of O`Fallon Missouri (an ex-urb of St. Louis) in the now-infamous cyber-bullying case in which Drew posed as a teenage boy on Mysp...

  • March 18, 2009

    Missouri police given chilling instructions

    Police in Missouri apparently are being instructed to keep on eye on conservatives.According to  this AP article the government of the state of Missouri has issued a report "informing" state police that people with third party bumper s...

  • January 16, 2009

    Martian Methane Suggest Solar-Induced Global Warming

    A team of scientists studying the planet Mars have announced the discovery of methane in the Martian atmosphere.A group associated with NASA`s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, using NASA`s Infrared Telescope Facility at Mauna Kea Observatory in H...

  • October 13, 2008

    Obama`s Desperate Equivalency Gambit

    One of the oldest tricks in politics -- at least on the left -- is to accuse your enemy of that which you are most guilty. Barack Obama has been taking a beating based on his personal and political associations, particularly with the terrorist Willia...

  • September 24, 2008

    Solar Winds Cooling Warmist Doomsaying

    Global warming alarmists face yet another challenge to their predictions of an inferno of doom. The solar wind is losing power, and is at a fifty year low, according to NASA. The Ulysses solar probe reports a 13% drop in temperature, a 20% drop in de...

  • August 5, 2008

    Political Power Flowing from the Pump

    In one of the more ironic acts of political theatre we have witnessed, Speaker Nancy Pelosi last Friday ordered the lights be shut off when Republicans refused to leave the floor of the House of Representatives, determined to continue the debate over...

  • July 7, 2008

    55 MPH: No Blood for Oil

    The Seventies have returned in all of their glory, with inflation looming, high gas prices, alternative fuels, CAFE standards, and now, you guessed it, an attempt to bring back the 55 mile per hour speed limit.  RINO John Warner wants to...

  • March 5, 2008

    Russia Suppresses Blogger

    We all knew that the Russian plutocracy is becoming as authoritarian as the Communists they replaced, and under Comrade Putin and his Dancing Teeth, we`ve witnessed the closure or state takeover of numerous media outlets as the former KGB head consol...

  • December 27, 2007

    The Enemy of My Enemy

    Russia is playing a dangerous game as nuclear supplier to Iran. We cannot separate our Middle East policy from the ambitions of Vladimir Putin to restore Russia as a Great Power. Rick Moran has a blogpost here at the American Thinker in which he...

  • November 19, 2007

    Blaming Americans again

    Liberals are using the concept of Anthropogenic Global Warming to advance their favorite causes, and that the whole War of the Worlds AGW scare is a tool to that end. This piece in LiveScience.com certainly buttresses that opinion. The Left has tradi...

  • September 16, 2007

    Junk Neuropsychology

    The Left has historically co-opted science to benefit its political causes. Margaret Mead is a classic example, gaining enormous attention to promote the "Free Love" movement. Her  methodology has come to be deeply suspect. W...

  • August 25, 2007

    The Return of the Old Gods: A Challenge to Green Evangelicals

    "And the Lord spoke all these words:I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.(Exodus 20: 1-3)Their names are Legion, for they are many; the Romans kn...

  • May 24, 2007

    Noah`s Flood Cancelled

    Thomas Lifson recently referenced a World Climate Report which says that Andean snow packs have shown little change, suggesting there is no evidence for Global Warming in the Southern Hemisphere. This is absolutely correct, and something the Green Re...

  • March 8, 2007

    The limits of the nanny state

    Tolerance is liberal code for advancing the causes of the Left; they have no use for it when it becomes an inconvenience. Case in point; the Illinois State legislature is considering a bill to make smoking in an automobile with a child under 8 years ...

  • January 27, 2007

    Paradise Lost; Why the Left Loves Muhammad

    "For who can yet believe, though after loss, that all these puissant legions, whose exile hath emptied Heaven, shall fail to reascend Self-raised, and repossess their native seat?"John MiltonParadise LostBook one, verses 631-634Conservative...

  • January 9, 2007

    Hose Colored Glasses

    Recently Clarice Feldman addressed the issue of discriminatory affirmative action, making the case that ``looking at race`` is discriminatory against Asian college students.  Right she is!  Discriminating for one group is discriminating aga...

  • January 2, 2007

    Where`s the Beef?

    In the mid 1980`s the Wendy's Hamburger chain ran an attention-grabbing advertising campaign in which an octogenarian (who sounded amazingly like Helen Thomas) bellyached about the stingy amount of meat on her sandwich; "where`s the beef?...

  • December 29, 2006

    The oath that binds

    Bookworm recently made the case   against Keith Ellison`s swearing on the Koran: All of which gets us back to Keith Ellison and his originally stated intention to take the oath of office relying solely on his Koran. Although there is o...

  • November 6, 2006

    St. Louis:The Democrats' Paradise

    St. Louis has been much in the spotlight of late with the World Series victory of the Cardinals turning attention to the Gateway City. Unfortunately the City has also gotten some less flattering attention; it has been declared the most dangerous plac...

  • August 5, 2006

    Morning in Vienna

    There are pivotal moments in history, events in which the course of human affairs is altered forever.  One such moment occurred along the Danube River in 1683. On that fateful morning in the later 17th century, the fate of Western Civilization w...

  • July 1, 2006

    EMP and the Unfought Victory

    "Thus one who excels at employing the military subjugates other people`s armies without engaging in battle, captures other people`s fortified cities without attacking them, and destroys other people`s states without prolonged fighting." Sun Tzu, The ...

  • April 15, 2006

    Plantation America

    Welcome to America!  Here in America we invite you to come to clean our toilets, pick our lettuce, and mow our lawns.  Come on in, folks; we need you to do the work we have become to lazy to do ourselves, and too cheap to pay for.  Co...

  • April 3, 2006

    Empty Womb

    Immigration has become a great crisis in the United States and Europe, with (much like the old Roman Empire) non—assimilated invaders pouring across the borders unchecked. The situation is grave, with the likelihood of Europe becoming part of t...

  • December 10, 2005

    The Mad King and the Crazy Left

    George the Third was the undisputed King of Great Britain; of that there can be no doubt.  If it is true that pride goeth before a fall, then the King's arrogance cost him his American colonies, and much, much more; George the Third lost his min...

  • August 30, 2005

    The case against Darwin

    [Editor's note: Questioning Darwin's explanation for the origins of life has become a taboo in many quarters, the supposed mark of what the San Francisco Chronicle sneeringly calls "the caveman club." Intelligent Design Theory, with its origins ...

  • June 28, 2005

    The First Right

    Property rights are the fundamental building blocks of Liberty.  The freedoms we enjoy in these United States may be our heritage through Natural Law and given to us by the Creator, but the free exercise of those fundamental rights is dependent ...

  • June 8, 2005

    Barbarian invasions

    The word "barbarian" comes from the ancient Greek, and originally meant a person or peoples who spoke a foreign tongue. The Greeks considered a barbarian to be an alien or outsider, one who was not of their language or culture.  This term was la...

  • March 28, 2005

    It's a Brave New World after Terri Schiavo dies

    In his landmark novel Brave New World,ааAldous Huxley conveys the vision of a technological nightmare in which man is forced, through conditioning and eugenics, to happily serve as a cog in an utopian socialist machine.а Those things which we see as ...

  • December 21, 2004

    Hot air

    Back in the days of Jimmy Carter and killer rabbits, doomsayers were telling us that the Earth was slipping into new ice age, and that we were all going to die.  Survivalists ran for the hills while stuffed—shirt academics ordered extra el...

  • December 14, 2004

    The Hydra lives!

    Recently a very dangerous notion has been making the rounds among conservatives, a notion which should be put to rest immediately lest it metastasize into a dangerous malignancy.а Heady with victory, the American conservative movement has been theori...

  • October 29, 2004

    Moment of truth

    Every election year we are told that this is the most important election in our lifetime. Usually this can be laughed off as political hyperbole, but sometimes it is true. The election of 1860 certainly comes to mind as an election of monum...