Tim Ziegler

Tim Ziegler

  • April 20, 2019

    Hillary's Two-Year Tantrum

    For the last two years we have all been forced to endure the temper tantrum thrown by Hillary Clinton over her second Presidential campaign loss just as the spectators in a grocery store aisle watch the young mother attempt to discipline her out-of-c...

  • March 31, 2019

    Who’s sabotaging Creepy Joe’s campaign?

    See also: Joe Biden's skin-crawling touching of little girls and grown women now an election issue It has become something of a cliché that stories that the main stream media doesn’t want Americans to read get dropped on Friday ni...

  • August 13, 2018

    How the NFL lost my trust

    As we head into another NFL Season I wanted to share some photos. The young man on the right of this photo bought these tickets to take his Dad to the 2012 playoff game between the Denver Broncos and the New England Patriots. It was Tim Tebow's l...

  • November 1, 2010

    Media won't cover Boxer's scandals

    Barbara Boxer maintains a small lead over Carly Fiorina, in spite of the blogosphere reporting on two scandals involving the incumbent Democrat. The first is a story that received hundreds of thousands of ‘hits' and was first broken by Scott Sw...