Tim Haering

Tim Haering

  • August 9, 2021

    White supremacist rocks

    Friday, U.W.-Madison removed Chamberlain Rock, a 42-ton granite boulder, from a relatively obscure spot on Observatory Hill, because in the '20s, large dark rocks were referred to as "ni----heads."   It's just a ro...

  • November 2, 2015

    Paul Ryan is not a warrior; he's a hunter

    Remember this when you wonder why he did not run for president and why he did not initially seek the speaker’s office. He is also a fisherman, a special kind of commando fisherman – a noodler.  A noodler catches fish with his bare...

  • June 5, 2009

    The Dextrous Alternative

    Carbon be damned!  If cutting our atmospheric carbon enthrones China, to hell with it!  I'll choke on the smoke, better tighten up my spoke, to keep China from pulling ahead of us.Alternative fuels are nice, I suppose.  It's great if o...

  • March 28, 2007

    Psychologists for War

    Iraq is like an abused woman in therapy.  A psychologist friend explained it to me. "She has repeatedly taken up with significant others that abuse her, and at many levels she doesn't trust ‘nice guys' or find them particularly attrac...

  • April 22, 2006

    Life on Earth Day

    Pooh on Earth Day, sort of. Where is People Day? Maybe we have all watched too many Disney Movies.  Personification and ego have run amok.  We are now declaring ourselves protectors of this rock we live on, as though Grandmother N...