Tim Gordon

Tim Gordon

  • January 7, 2012

    Ron Paul Supporters Are Worth Talking to Amicably

    On December 30, AT ran a very lively, informative article called "To Get Ron Paul's Insanity, You Have To Understand Libertarianism," by Don Feder.  As I received it, the article dealt with this question: what is to be done about Ron Paul? Espe...

  • December 27, 2011

    Three Ugly Truths Exposed by the Tebow Assault

    The ongoing imbroglio with Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow has made plain three really unflattering facts about the secular-progressive ("sec-prog") movement in this country.  Tebow's straightforward and unapologetic Christianity has been re...

  • October 10, 2011

    The Left's Love of Rights-Stripping

    Recently, a very dear moderate friend of mine told me that all leftists could never fit in the "communist" category.  After all, "they believe far too much in individual rights for that to be the case." I've heard this vexing defense of the le...

  • July 29, 2011

    A Tip of the Hat to Glenn Beck on His Way off the Air

    On his way out the door from Fox News Network, Glenn Beck deserves a round of applause from conservatives.  Yes, I know that he is more inclined to waterworks than a utilities/railroads fiend in Monopoly, but I have a policy: I tip my hat to any...

  • July 27, 2011

    Why Conservatives Should Bork the Balanced Budget Amendment

    Why has Robert Bork maintained for two decades that true conservatives should ignore the returning tide of impassioned Republican invocations for a "balanced budget" amendment?  Well...because they should. The 21st century's conservative is best...