Thomas R. Ascik

Thomas R. Ascik

  • July 28, 2019

    Reparations and Racial Politicking

    With the second round of Democratic presidential debates upcoming on July 30-31 and with the ever-increasing support in the Democratic party -- Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer having just added his endorsement -- it  is time to ask for more...

  • April 13, 2019

    The Supreme Court and Gerrymandering

    Before the current proposals by the Democratic party, together with the media, to change American government and have American society be solely urban by, for example, abolishing both the Electoral College and the states’ equal representation i...

  • October 28, 2018

    Today's female Democrat 'leaders' make for a sorry spectacle

    In the Kavanaugh controversy, the acts of three women, all high-visibility national figures, and all of whom have now become the leaders of the Democratic party and the MeToo movement, were central.  In July 2016, Supreme Court justice Ruth...