Thomas Panis

Thomas Panis

  • October 27, 2018

    In Europe, feelings of Muslims now officially trump freedom of speech

    According to the European Court of Human Rights, the feelings of Muslims are more important than liberty.  A critique of the Religion of Peace can be deemed a threat to "religious peace." Becket Adams explains in the Washi...

  • March 20, 2017

    Dutch immigrant party: The future of Europe?

    Sons instructing their illiterate mother on how to vote.  People casting proxy votes for their entire family.  Mosques being put under pressure to support the party's candidates.  Islamic propaganda leaflets at the entry of the pol...

  • March 2, 2017

    The chancellor elects a new people

    Angela Merkel, the German chancellor known for allowing the mass influx of Muslim refugees into Europe, has just been nominated as a candidate for the upcoming elections in her country.  A large majority (95%!) of CDU (the "Christian Democr...

  • February 17, 2017

    The Wikipedia Purge

    Editor’s note:   A fine piece of journalism on the takeover of Wikipedia by leftist thought police, intent on purging any availability through it of certain dangerous conservative sources. Our satirist friend Oleg Atbashian of the People...