Thomas Nichta

Thomas Nichta

  • February 9, 2017

    Trade Restrictions: Some Effects

    President Trump wants significant tariffs to help save U.S. jobs.  What are the effects of these policies?  An import tariff (or an import quota) slows or prevents the importation of goods and services into a country, making it similar to a...

  • December 5, 2016

    A case for eliminating the corporate income tax

    Although there is a corporate income tax, a corporation does not “pay” income taxes; it may remit taxes, but to a corporation, taxes are just a cost of doing business.  We know that when crude oil prices go up, the price of gasoline ...

  • March 31, 2016

    The Trade Deficit Myth

    Every purchase we make is trade. We trade to improve our lives and trade occurs only when both parties benefit from the transaction. Individuals and companies engage in trade; countries do not trade, as countries are just geographic areas with politi...

  • April 12, 2014

    Campaign Finance -- Get to the Source

    The recent Supreme Court McCutcheon ruling on how much an individual may contribute in total to political campaigns has already reignited the campaign finance issue. A lot of ink will be used discussing campaign finance, lobbying, and all the mo...