Thomas Maino

Thomas Maino

  • March 18, 2020

    Bernie Sanders has a socialist gimmick and no facts

    The democratic socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, popular among liberalized Millennials, has expressed views that do not align with the majority of the American electorate.  Yet despite his poor performance in the primari...

  • March 14, 2020

    Joe Biden is an unserious candidate for president

    Joe Biden has proven himself to be one of the oddest Democratic political candidates, surpassing even Bernie Sanders in outrageousness.   His defenders claim he is of sound mind and that his critics are attacking him with baseless accusatio...

  • March 12, 2020

    Coronavirus and China dependency

    "[A] passionate attachment of one Nation for another produces a variety of evils," said George Washington in his Farewell Address.  "The Nation, which indulges towards another an ... habitual fondness, is in some degree a sla...