Thomas M. Kelly

Thomas M. Kelly

  • May 8, 2017

    Why We Don’t Need the GOP Establishment

    The 2nd Congressional District of Nebraska is one of those few Electoral College votes that is up for grabs, rather than being determined on a statewide basis.  It has been regarded nationally as one of the battleground districts.  I am a r...

  • November 9, 2016

    Je suis Infidel

    I am an infidel. I am a white, male, American Christian. Other infidels include homosexuals, feminists, Jews, Hindus, African tribal peoples, French journalists; in short, anyone who is not Muslim. The strongest proponents of “peace loving Isla...

  • September 8, 2012

    A Victim of the Obama Recovery

    After a year and a half of unemployment in Obama's economy, I was able to obtain a job. I should say that from a statistical perspective, I was really unemployed for only about a month.  I got a part-time job because I thought that the situation...

  • November 7, 2009

    Loyalty and the Lunatic Fringe

    Where is the loyalty of the RINOs? Arlen Specter joins the Democrats. Colin Powell endorses the Democrat. Dierdre Scozzafava endorses the Democrat.  I'm not opposed to the Democratic Party out of some sense of style or family history. I'm oppose...