Thomas Lifson and Ed Lasky

Thomas Lifson and Ed Lasky

  • October 25, 2007

    Soros-related firm raided by FBI (updated)

    WellCare Health Plans of Tampa, a firm which has made scads of money administering government health care, and huge profits for George Soros, who was once its largest shareholder, has been raided by the FBI and shuttered. The St. Petersburg Times rep...

  • October 22, 2007

    NYT: 'Ain't That America?'

    An editorial in the New York Times nakedly displays the paper's contempt for those who disagree with its worldview. Entitled "Ain't that America?",  the Times' narcissistic view of America as composed of vile and mean-spirited racists,...

  • October 15, 2007

    How to advance the left, tax-free (as heard on Rush)

    Move over, MoveOn. Another well-funded propaganda organ of the Left is coming, operating under the guise of charitable public service.Herb and Marion Sandler, legendary capitalist multi-billionaire builders of a financial empire, and philanthropic al...

  • June 6, 2005

    The Arab constituency in Israel

    Quietly, almost without notice overseas, Arabs have become the biggest single constituent group in Israel's Labor Party. The party of David Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, Moshe Dyan, Abba Eban, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, and Ehud Barak now finds that Isra...