Thomas A. Oakes

Thomas A. Oakes

  • July 16, 2014

    Back to Work

    America’s current political strife stems largely from a simple misunderstanding that occurred back in November 2007. Many of us thought we were voting for a candidate for the office of president, but Barack Obama thought he was running for Phil...

  • July 3, 2014

    Playing Nice

    The battle today between the Salafist al-Qaeda hydra and Shia Twelvers in Iraq became inevitable late November 2013 in Geneva, when America agreed to suspend some sanctions against Iran and allow billions of dollars to flow into the coffers of the cl...

  • June 19, 2014

    In Praise of Might

    Leaders of the Western world expressed understandable dismay when Russia absorbed Crimea this March in what was essentially a hostile corporate takeover. Russia stripped Ukraine of its most valuable asset and saddled Brussels and Washington with Kiev...

  • February 22, 2013

    Hillary Clinton's Middle East Legacy

    Most of the time foreign policy barely registers on the radar screens of American voters. That's why it's easy for Hillary Clinton fans to promote the false notion that she was a first-rate Secretary of State despite her four-year string of fail...