The Drive-By Pundit

The Drive-By Pundit

  • March 10, 2014

    The Media, not Racism, Turned the South Republican

    Every couple years, the next “crucial” election for our nation’s future arrives like clockwork.  And like clockwork, liberals and Democrats begin attacking the Republican Party for its “racist” record on race. On...

  • August 15, 2013

    What the GOP Can Learn from Bad Dog Food

    As the old story goes, when you set out to sell dog food, your first step should be to make food that dogs like. A pet food company learned that lesson the hard way after losing its shirt peddling a new brand of dog food pooches couldn't stomach. ...

  • August 8, 2013

    Blacks Raised Conservative. Vote Liberal. Go Figure.

    All black families have a member they consider just a hair above subhuman. Not the wife-beaters, nun-clubbers, or even the baby seal-rapers.  It's someone far lower: the conservative. At family gatherings, the conservative is strategically s...

  • July 31, 2013

    Black Politicians Mostly to Blame for Detroit's Demise

    Idea for a sitcom: A cultured, big-city lawyer -- let's call him Oliver Wendell Jackson -- gets a hankering to pursue his childhood dream of farming. He snatches up his reluctant but glamorous Nigerian-born wife, LakaLisa, sells his luxury pentho...

  • November 21, 2012

    The Only Clear Road Back for Republicans

    To better comprehend why Democrats will be holding wild who's-your-daddy raves in Washington, D.C. while Republicans shed tears in their beers over the next few years, it's useful to consider the key difference between the parties. Democrats can neve...

  • November 9, 2012

    How Romney Blew an Easily Winnable Race

    I've learned the that worst way to console a friend grieving a recent disappointment or loss is by showering him with uplifting biblical verses and sugary platitudes. People with fresh emotional wounds aren't open to flowery words of encouragement an...

  • November 6, 2012

    'Used-Syringe Republicans' Will Lead Romney Landslide

    Is everyone sufficiency nervous about today's election?  I'm not.  I still foresee a huge Romney win.   You've heard of "Broken-Glass Republicans"?  The term was first used in 2008 to describe Republicans willing to crawl acr...

  • October 29, 2012

    Obama's Going to Lose...but Not Because He's Black

    The left is already beginning to point fingers at those they believe are responsible for what is shaping up to be a decisive rout in the making for President Obama and the Democrats on Election Day. The New York Times is among the first out of the bl...

  • October 18, 2012

    Debate Shows Obama's an 'African' Stuck in the '70s

    Tuesday evening's presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney gave everyone across the political spectrum a reason to believe that his (or her) guy won. If you're conservative, you think Romney clearly won. If you're liberal, y...

  • October 12, 2012

    What Was Up with Biden's Grin?

    So now all of America should know what a "s**t-eating grin" looks like. That's my most cogent summation of last evening's vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. While intermittently flashing a smug, insipid grin, Biden repeatedly a...

  • October 11, 2012

    Biden Won't Rescue a Spluttering Obama

    I haven't been able to get a good comedic feel for tonight's vice presidential debate between Paul Ryan and Joe Biden.  It's easy to lampoon President Obama.  He's a pretentious, long-winded, self-important bore of a snob.  That's a gi...

  • October 4, 2012

    Romney's Going to Win

    After viewing Wednesday's presidential debate, I continue to strongly disagree with the polls and with the conservative crowd who assume that this election is far from over. The election's been over for a while -- only not in favor of the current pre...

  • September 28, 2012

    Don't Let Romney Be the Republican Party's Last Hurrah

    It's a mystery: why are there so few blacks in the Republican Party? The answer to that question, I believe, is one of the keys to the survival of our Republic. At one time blacks were Republican and Baptist, in that order.  Those days, the dirt...

  • September 21, 2012

    Why Romney Is Going to Romp over Obama in November

    For those of you fretting over the latest "FoxNews/ABC-CBS-NBC/Wall Street Journal/USAToday/Perth Amboy Times/And Whatnot" poll showing Obama 300 points ahead of Romney in the race for the presidency, do yourself a big favor -- ignore it, and everyth...